Page 11 - VONBRACKE2008
P. 11

Taeniolella beschiana DIEDERICH
8: on Cladonia foliacea (hb IVL 4227).

        Taeniolella beschiana is living on the squamules of several Cladonia species
and so far known from mostly northern regions of Europe, North America, and
Asia (Alaska, British Isles, Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Sval-
bard, Sweden), and from Central/Western Europe (Czech Republic, Germany,
Luxembourg). This is the first record for the Mediterranean region.

Telogalla olivieri (VOUAUX) NIK. HOFFM. & HAFELLNER
8: on Xanthoria parietina (hb IVL 3933); 10a: on X. parietina (hb IVL 3937).

        Thelogalla olivieri is inducing galls of almost the same colour as the host li-
chen (Xanthoria spp.). It is known only from Europe including the Mediterra-
nean region. New for Sicily.

Tremella ramalinae DIEDERICH
8: on Ramalina fastigiata (hb IVL 3936); 9: on R. fraxinea (hb IVL 3935); 13: on R.
fraxinea (hb IVL 3940); 14: on R. fraxinea (hb IVL 3939).

        Tremella ramalinae is a rare species with a few known records from Europe
(Estonia, France, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Sweden) and America
(USA, Mexico). New for Sicily, probably also for Italy.

Vouauxiomyces ramalinae (NORDIN) D. HAWKSW.
9: on Ramalina fastigiata (hb IVL 3934).

        Vouauxiomyces ramalinae is the anamorph of Abrothallus suecicus. It is wide-
spread through Europe from Norway to Spain. New for Sicily, probably also for

Zwackhiomyces coepulonus (NORM.) GRUBE & SANT.
8: on Caloplaca flavorubescens var. quercina. (hb IVL 3838).

        A widespread fungus on hosts of the genera Caloplaca and Xanthoria,
known from several European countries as well as from the Canary Islands,
North America, and Asia. In Italy it was known from Trento-Alto Adige (GRUBE
& HAFELLNER 1990). New for Sicily.

Localities (all Italy, Sicily) with lists of lichens checked for lichenicolous fungi.

1a) Prov. Catania, Passo Pisciaro on the W slope of the Etna, on lava boulders
      near the roadside, 563 m, 37°53’16’’N, 15°02’53’’E, 1.VIII.2006. – Acarospora
      hospitans on Aspicilia cinerea, Caloplaca arenaria, C. grimmiae on Candelariella
      vitellina, Caloplaca subpallida, Xanthoparmelia conspersa, X. pulla var. pulla,
      Xanthoria parietina.

1b) same location, on Platanus orientalis. – Physcia biziana.

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