Page 7 - VONBRACKE2008
P. 7

Muellerella erratica (A. MASSAL.) HAFELLNER & V. JOHN
1a: on Caloplaca erythrocarpa (hb IVL 3957); 2: on Lecanora rupicola (hb IVL 3959);
3: on Tephromela atra (hb IVL 3975); 5: on Aspicilia contorta (hb IVL 3981); 12: on
Caloplaca erythrocarpa (hb IVL 3945); 20: on Lecanora polytropa (hb IVL 3955).

        This is the most common member of the genus with a worldwide distri-
bution on a wide range of host lichens. In Italy it was known from Lombardia,
Trento-Alto Adige, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Liguria (ANZI 1860, TRIEBEL 1989) and
Sardinia (NIMIS & POELT 1987) as well as from the island of Marettimo (NIMIS et
al. 1994) (most records under the name Muellerella pygmaea var. athallina (MÜLL.

Muellerella pygmaea (KÖRB.) D. HAWKSW. s.str.
3: on Lecidea obluridata (hb IVL 3963); 16b: on Aspicilia calcarea agg. (hb IVL 3842);
20: on Lecidea grisella; 20: on Acarospora smaragdula (hb IVL 3953).

        A worldwide distributed species with a wide range of host lichens, most
common on saxicolous, mainly crustose lichens in higher altitudes of the north-
ern hemisphere (HAFELLNER & MAYERHOFER 2007). In Italy it is known from
Lombardia, Trento-Alto Adige (ANZI 1860, TRIEBEL 1989), Friuli-Venezia Giulia
(TRETIACH & HAFELLNER 2000), Sardinia (NIMIS & POELT 1987); in Sicily it has
been reported near Cefalù and Milo (VAN DEN BOOM 1992) and on the island of
Marettimo (NIMIS et al. 1994).

Muellerella ventosicola (MUDD) D. HAWKSW.
3: on Rhizocarpon geographicum (hb IVL 3965).

        Rarer than the two other species of the Muellerella pygmaea complex, this
species shows a preference for hosts of the genus Rhizocarpon, without being
resticted to them. In Italy it was known from Trento-Alto Adige (TRIEBEL 1989).

Nectriopsis parmeliae (BERK. & M.A. CURTIS) M.S. COLE & D. HAWKSW.
18: on Parmelia saxatilis (hb IVL 4234).

        A very rare species, previously known from the British Isles, Germany,
USA, and Brazil. New for Sicily, probably also for Italy.

3: on Xanthoparmelia conspersa (hb IVL 3976).

        Phacopsis fusca shows a worldwide distribution and is growing on mem-
bers of the Parmeliaceae (mostly on Xanthoparmelia). In Italy it was known from
Trentino-Alto Adige and from Sardinia (TRIEBEL et al. 1995). New for Sicily.

Phoma ficuzzae BRACKEL sp. nov.
        Pycnidia lichenicola, immersa, subglobosa, 105–135 µm in diametro. Cel-

lulae conidiogenae breviter ampulliformes vel subglobosae, (5·7–)6·0–7·6(–8·0) x

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