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320 R. Sorgente et al.: Seasonal variability in the Central Mediterranean Sea circulation

1.9 Sv; this is slightly higher than the 1.6 Sv computed from      scale model is shown to correctly reproduce the seasonal cli-
the coarse resolution model (Demirov and Pinardi, 2003).           matological cycle of the circulation in the area, as evidenced
The transport estimates are higher in the period from Novem-       by the comparison of the model results with the circula-
ber to May, with an average maximum of 2.2 Sv, while the           tion patterns inferred from the bibliography and from remote
minimum occurs during summer from July to August, reach-           sensed thermal AVHRR data. The five-year “perpetual” sim-
ing below 1.6 Sv. The interannual variability during the “per-     ulation experiment with climatological forcing contributes to
petual” simulation experiment shows a peak value of 2.4 Sv         give an improved description of the circulation, especially
in December and a minimum of 1.4 Sv in July. The annual            in its 3-D phenomenology, as well as to give a firsthand in-
mean of the baroclinic component is 1.4 Sv and carries the         dication of important dynamical features pertaining to the
greater share of the seasonal variability. The short-term vari-    Tunisian and Libyan near-shelf areas, where oceanographic
ability of the transport values is also significant, with fluctua-   knowledge is generally scarce due to lack of data.
tions of the order of 0.3–0.4 Sv being very common through-
out the year. The seasonality is in good agreement with ob-           The numerically efficient one-way off-line nesting tech-
servations (Manzella, 1990; Grancini and Michelato, 1987;          nique used in this work is that adopted by the Mediterranean
Astraldi et al., 1996) and with the OGCM model study of in-        Forecasting System Pilot Project. It is shown to be adequate,
terannual variability (Pinardi et al., 1997); it is, however, in   even in the case of a complicated model domain character-
contrast with Moretti et al. (1993). From hydrographic mea-        ized by strong exchange flows. The POM-MOM correlations
surements, Moretti et al. (1993) report a mean volume tran-        show that the nested domain is able to generate high resolu-
port under 1.0 Sv with an opposite seasonal pattern, that is a     tion information that is coherent with the nesting large scale.
mean winter transport smaller than in summer. This appar-
ent discrepancy has been explained by Pinardi et al. (1997)           The simulations have evidenced the presence of a strong,
by observing that Moretti et al. (1993) considered only the        superficial mesoscale activity in the Sardinia Channel, par-
baroclinic contribution to the transport across the Strait, and    ticularly from November to March. Such activity is driven
that this contribution was only 1/3 of the total transport while   mainly by the inflow of MAW from the Algerian basin, cal-
the rest is due to the barotropic component. In our applica-       culated to be twice in winter than in summer. The eddies
tion the baroclinic component is found, however, to carry a        are generated by baroclinic instabilities from the meandering
higher proportion (about the 74%) of the total volume trans-       of the MAW stream and the variations in density with the
port.                                                              surrounding superficial waters. The simulations show that
                                                                   these eddies are important in the transfer of the MAW into
   The time series of the net heat transport (Fig. 20b) is fairly  the Tyrrhenian Sea.
steady during the model integration, although a strong sea-
sonal variability is also evident. The maximum of heat ex-            In the Sicilan Channel the model has underlined the pres-
change is reached in September-October (2.5×1013 Watts),           ence of two main superficial MAW streams with a different
that is with a phase lag of four months with respect to            seasonality in the mass transport. The southern flux moving
the maximum in the total superficial heat flux over the              along the north African coast is stronger in autumn, while
model domain (Fig. 7b); the minimum is in March–April.             the northern flow along the Atlantic Ionian Stream (AIS)
The annual mean of 1.1×1013 Watts, directed towards the            increases in summer, meandering along the Sicilian shelf
eastern Mediterranean, is in agreement with Pinardi et al.         break, close to Malta. The model puts in evidence the sea-
(1997), who calculated 1.2×1013 Watts, and the coarse reso-        sonality of the northward veering of the AIS as it reaches
lution model results from Demirov and Pinardi (2003). The          the Ionian Sea. The pre-conditioning and pathways of the
net salt transport (Fig. 20c) has an annual mean of about          MAW towards the eastern Mediterranean are well described,
1.2×106 psu m3/s toward the western basin, showing, also in        together with the associated evolution of the mesoscale sig-
this case, a strong seasonal variability, with a maximum in        nals in the form of eddies, meanders and small-scale gyres.
December-January and a minimum in July-August.                     The simulated LIW flow can be followed in its progress along
                                                                   the Sicilian Channel, and shows seasonal differences in the
5 Summary and Conclusions                                          mass transport, being greater in winter compared to summer.

The Central Mediterranean region is characterized by a num-           The model is also used to quantify the volume transport
ber of significant hydrodynamical processes and phenomena           across the Strait of Sicily. The flow is found to be predomi-
with strong variability at seasonal and shorter time scales.       nantly baroclinic in nature (74%), with a mean total transport
The general circulation is dictated mainly by the slow basin       of 1.9 Sv and a strong seasonal signal having a maximum
scale (vertical) thermohaline structure of the Mediterranean,      spread over the winter months and a sharper minimum close
in addition to important components related to meteorologi-        to July.
cal forcing and the influence of the complex morphology. An
eddy-resolving version of the free surface Princeton Ocean         Acknowledgements. This work has been partially funded by the EU
Model (POM) nested to the rigid lid MOM-OGCM (Modu-                MAST project MFSPP (Mediterranean Forecasting System Pilot
lar Ocean Model - Ocean General Circulation Model) basin           Project, contract number MAS3-CT98–0171) and by the Italian na-
                                                                   tional project SIMBIOS, Programma Operativo del Piano Ambiente
                                                                   Marino, Cluster C10, Progetto n. 13 (D.n. 778.RIC).
                                                                   The authors thank Marco Zavatarelli from the University of
                                                                   Bologna for his precious suggestions and Filippo Angotzi for his
                                                                   essential technical support.
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