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124                                                                                     L. Falconi et al.

           1700 and 1950 (Fiora and Alciati 2008). Many buildings  surrounded by 33 km of indented and mainly rocky coast-
           were constructed in Tunis with the “tuff” of Favignana, and  line, marked by natural and anthropic cavities. The island is
           Messina was rebuilt with it after the 1908 earthquake. After  mostly flat, except for the north-south mountain ridge (M.te
           the World War II the “tuff” went out of the market and the  Santa Caterina, 314 m a.s.l.).
           mining areas were abandoned to a degradation fate which  Favignana Island mainly consists of Mesozoic-Tertiary
           increased the risk of block collapse.              carbonates unconformably overlain by Middle-Upper Plio-
              Although the area is frequented by tourists, currently the  cene marls and shales overlyed by Pleistocene biocalcaren-
           quarries as well as the natural rock cliffs are undergoing  ites and Tyrrhenian calcarenites (Nigro et al. 2000; Giunta
           extensive erosional and landslide processes. Besides putting  et al. 2002; Tavarnelli et al. 2003). The Mesozoic-Tertiary
           at risk the safety of the tourists attending the area, the  carbonates crop out in the western and central part of the
           widespread rock falls are likely to threaten sites of great  island. Lower Pleistocene biocalcarenites crop out in the
           historical and anthropological value that, once destroyed,  eastern part of the island (Fig. 2), generating a wide flat
           can no longer be reconstructed.                    plateau with nearly horizontal layers. In literature, its
              Geomechanical investigations and multisensor monitor-  thickness ranges between 5 and 35 m (Slaczka et al. 2011),
           ing have been carried out at the Cala Rossa sea cliff between  though a quarry in the inner part of Cala Rossa (“Niuro
           April 2012 and April 2015 with the aim of identifying the  vecchio” and “Niuro nuovo” caves) shows a vertical
           landslide mechanisms and defining their activity. In 2015,  development of more than 80 m entirely in calcarenites.
           geophysical campaigns of seismic noise measurements were  The facies association suggests different depositional
           carried out and the obtained results allow to associate evi-  environments from the nearshore-beach zone (close to the
           dences of local seismic response to zones at different sta-  Mt. Santa Caterina) to the shoreface zone (in the eastern part
           bility conditions, i.e. mainly related to the presence of  of the Island). The Middle-Upper Pliocene marls and shale
           already isolated rock blocks respect to adjacent stable zones.  locally crop out between the base of the calcarenite cliffs and
              Local authorities appointed to implement effective and  the sea surface, partially hidden by a significant boulders
           sustainable mitigation measures have to face the dual task of  deposit.
           allowing the enjoyment of these beautiful natural places and  The calcarenite shows relatively high values of porosity
           prevent accidents to the users. The definition of landslide  (Regione Siciliana 2013a; Table 1) related to the low dia-
           mechanisms affecting the Cala Rossa area constitutes a  genetic process, the low cementation (spathic calcite with
           fundamental step for the enhancement of the safe tourist  meniscus structures) and to the textural characters
           exploitation of the island.                        (equi-dimensional, well sorted, loosely packed, low fine
                                                              grained matrix). The value of the compressive strength
                                                              offered in literature, and confirmed through some field
           Study Area                                         measurements with a Schmidt hammer, indicates a weakly
                                                              cemented carbonate rock.
           Favignana is the largest of the Egadi Islands, located off the  There are three systems of faults that displace both the
           northwest coast of Sicily (Fig. 1), near the cities of Trapani  Mesozoic-Tertiary and Pleistocene deposits. A very recent
           and Marsala. It extends for approximately 19 km and is

           Fig. 1 Location of the study area                  Fig. 2 Bivalves in the calcareous sandstones
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