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126                                                                                     L. Falconi et al.

                                                              divided into non-overlapping windows of 40 s and the Fast
                                                              Fourier Transform (FFT) was computed for each component
                                                              in the frequency range between 1.0 and 60.0 Hz. By aver-
                                                              aging over the windows, the amplitude spectra and the H/V
                                                              spectral ratio were finally achieved for each single record.
                                                                The HVSR method (Nakamura 1989) allows to obtain the
                                                              resonance frequency of a site. The presence of a resonance
                                                              peak in the HVSR curve has been interpreted both in terms
                                                              of SH-wave resonance and in terms of the ellipticity of
                                                              particle motion when the ambient noise wave train is made
                                                              up predominantly of surface waves (Bonnefoy-Claudet et al.
                                                              2006). The wavefield is a combination of both types and the
                                                              shape of the HVSR curve provides information about the
                                                              shear wave velocity profile in shallow sediments (Galea
                                                              et al. 2014).
           Fig. 4 The local GPS network

           (tenths of millimeter for the tell-tales). Overall 40 mechan- Results
           ical joint-meters were installed, distributed along and inside
           the cliffs.                                        The biocalcarenitic slab shows a high degree of fracturing
              The GPS monitoring techniques was applied with the aim  especially in the front portion of the cliffs and the boulder
           of identifying the movement of single points along the cliffs  deposits at their foot constitute a clear indicator of the cur-
           with high accuracy. The GPS network is composed by four  rent activity. Several blocks of different sizes seem to be in
           stable vertices (A, B, C and D in Fig. 4) and has monitored  condition of high instability and in proximity of falling. In
           four sites in proximity of the edge of the cliffs, considered  addition to the geomorphological indicators, two fall events
           potentially unstable (E1, E2, O1 and O2). The GPS network  recorded during the 36 months of the study testify the high
           was linked with the Italian Geodetic Network (IGM95), by  activity of the west cliff of Cala Rossa:
           the geodetic point “Punta San Leonardo” located close to the
           Favignana urban area. The uncertainty of these vertices was  • A block of approximately 0.3 m collapsed on October
           very contained, reaching a maximum of ±2 mm in plane  26, 2012 from the west cliff;
           and ±3 mm vertically.                              • A boulder on which a reference pin for the removable
              Between February and May 2015, geophysical campaigns  joint-meter measuring was installed suddenly collapsed.
           of seismic noise measurements were carried out in the Cala  Its last data read in June 2013 indicated a movement of
           Rossa area. In recent years, several studies applied ambient  0.72 mm from the installation in October 2012
           noise techniques to investigate landslide-involved slopes  (1 mm/month).
           (Del Gaudio et al. 2008; Burjánek et al. 2010, 2012)or to
           characterize blocks of unstable cliffs (Got et al. 2010;  From the front slope towards the interior of the slab, the
           Panzera et al. 2012; Galea et al. 2014) through different  rock fracturing condition becomes less intense, with spacing
           approaches, e.g. H/V spectral ratios, f–k analysis, site to  ranging from less than 1 m up to more than 2 m. This may
           reference spectral ratios, polarization analysis, base noise  be appreciated both in the plateau above the cliffs and within
           level variations.                                  the several quarries opened inside it. Nevertheless, in the
              Seismic noise was recorded in 47 single-station mea-  west cliff, upon the plateau, three major discontinuities have
           surement sites over an area of approximately 0.05 km ,to  been recognized. While the exterior is located very close to
           cover both the unstable zones of the sea cliff and the stable  the edge, the other two are approximately 25 m from the
           carbonate plateau. Each station was equipped with a  edge. The inner two are longer than 100 m, 50 cm open and
           3-component seismometer: 28 measurements were carried  with 40 cm of offset. If they would reach the contact with the
           out using a LE-3D/5 s seismometer by Lennartz Electronic  underlying clays, a huge block of approximatively 30
           GmbH and a REFTEK 130-01 datalogger set to a 250 Hz  thousand m would find isolated, being prone to a roto-
           sampling frequency; 19 measurements were carried out  traslational landslide mechanism (Fig. 5).
           using a 1.5 Hz SL06 acquisition unit by SARA Electronic  Structural analysis confirms the presence of two main
           Instruments, set to a 200 Hz sampling frequency.   joint families: NNW-SSE and NE-SW (Figs. 6 and 7). The
              The seismic noise records were processed using Geopsy  NNW-SSE joint set seems to have a significant relevance in
           software ( The 1-h time histories were  the structural setting of the area and in the development of
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