Page 8 - Falconi_et_al_2017
P. 8

Landslide Monitoring at the Cala Rossa …                                                        129

           Fig. 10 Displacements
           measured with the mechanical
           joints gauges: tell tales (a),
           removable joint-meters (b) and
           3D joint-meters (c1, c2 and c3)

           clays to/from the sea waves action is presumably a further  Conclusion
           controlling factor for fracturing and landslide processes.
              The lack of significant movement registered by the inte-  The geomechanical survey and analysis confirm the presence
           gratedmonitoringsystemintheperiodicacquisitionduringthe  of potential instability conditions in the study area. Conse-
           36 months study can be easily explained with the discontinu-  quently, a significant hazard level has been recognised in
           ous and impulsive behavior of the rock collapsing processes,  several measurement stations. Although several portions of
           and does not exclude the possibility offuture single or massive  the sea cliff show evidences of rock slides or falls, the
           movements. The deepening of the deformation dynamic  geotechnical monitoring systems did not record significant
           inevitably requires the upgrading of the current monitoring  precursor displacements. The complex local seismic
           networkwiththeinstallationofmoresophisticatedjointmeters  response at high frequencies (10–60 Hz) obtained by the
           in the most critical sites, with in continuum acquisition, data  noise measurements confirmed the presence of dislodged
           logging and remote communication.                  rock blocks. On this basis, identifying appropriate actions is
              The rock mass rating of the cliffs attributed to the dif-  absolutely crucial to prevent accidents to the users of these
           ferent measuring stations shows good agreement between  beautiful natural places and to avoid that the most significant
           the  traditional  classification  of  Beniawsky/Romana  quarries are further abandoned to an inexorable degradation
           (RMR/SMR) and the recent experimental classification of  process.
           Sicily Region (SR), even if the latter appears to be more  By providing information about the hazard level and the
           conservative. It is notable that attributing the SMR and SR  displacements along the cliffs of the bay, the present study
           classes demands to take into account the geometrical rela-  results are an effective contribution to the local authorities in
           tionship between the most significant joint planes and the  charge of implementing mitigation measures. The enhance-
           slope orientation. Even though the analysed cliffs have  ment of the safety level of these areas is an essential step for
           strongly indented forms, due to natural and human causes, in  a sustainable and safety tourism exploitation in the island.
           this study only an average value of the slope orientation has  This is the way to ensure that what was left of the quarries
           been used. Consequently, the SMR and SR classes assigned  can become an economic resource again, while respecting
           to a station are affected by a certain level of approximation.  the historical and the environmental context.
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