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84                                           E. GUEGUEN ET ALII

        ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                      CLARCK T.A., COREY B.E., DAVIS J.L., ELGERED G., HERRING T.A.,
                                                                 HINTERREGGER J.I., KNIGHT C.A., LEVINE J.I., LUNDQVIST G.,
           Discussions with P. Rutigliano, R. Devoti, C. Sciarretta, V.  MA C., NESMAN E.F., PHILLIPS R.B., ROGERS A.E.E., RONNANG
        Luceri, F. Vespe and P. Tomasi were very helpful. The European  B.O., RYAN J.W., SCHUPLER B.R., SHAFFER D.B., SHAPIRO I.I.,
        Community supported this study (Research Networks, «Measure-  VANDERBERG N.R., WEBBER J.C. & WHITNEY A.R. (1985) - Pre-
        ment of Vertical Crustal Motion in Europe by VLBI»), grant ERB-
        FMRX-CT9960071. Giusy Lavecchia and Dario Albarello are thank-  cision Geodesy Using The Mark III Very Long Baseline Interfe-
        fully acknowledged for their constructive critical reviews.  rometry System, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote
                                                                 Sensing, GE-23, 438.
                                                              DEVOTI R., FERRARO C., LANOTTE R., LUCERI V., NARDI A., PACIONE
                                                                 R., RUTIGLIANO P., SCIARRETTA C., GUEGUEN E. & VESPE F.
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