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GEODYNAMICS OF THE SOUTHERN TYRRHENIAN                              79

        dip eastwards, bounding the continental platform of Sar-  les, from macroscopic to mesoscopic. The main struc-
        dinia (fig. 1; BOCCALETTI et alii, 1990a, b). Other impor-  tures extend for over 100 km, and are generally associated
        tant N-S trending faults extend for over 150 km and dip  to complex networks of minor faults ranging in size from
        westwards, bounding the Paola Basin (fig. 1; BOCCALETTI  a few centimetres to several kilometres. The kinematics of
        et alii, 1990a, b). The N-S trending faults are not laterally  NW-SE trending faults has been recently defined through
        continuous, but rather appear segmented by E-W trend-  structural measurements by NIGRO et alii (2000) and
        ing, dominantly strike-slip faults. The northernmost E-W  RENDA et alii (2000) from the Marettimo, Trapani and
        trending faults are characterised by dominantly left-late-  San Vito faults (See fig. 1 for location). In this section we
        ral kinematics (fig. 1; SELLI, 1985; LAVECCHIA, 1988).  briefly review the main results of the aforementioned
        Toward the South, an important E-W trending fault lies  studies, referring the reader to them for additional
        on the southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin, and extends for  details. Mechanical striae and slickensides on the fault
        over 400 km, from Ustica to the Eolian Islands (Ustica-  surfaces consistently indicate right-lateral strike-slip kin-
        Eolie Line: BOCCALETTI et alii, 1984; Southern Tyrrhenian  ematics, though with a local, minor extensional slip com-
        Line: BOCCALETTI et alii, 1990a, b). BOCCALETTI & DAI-  ponent. The resulting kinematics is therefore best defined
        NELLI (1982) first inferred for this fault a dominantly  as  transtensional  The investigated faults are systemati-
        right-lateral kinematic character. This interpretation has  cally associated to development of a well-defined cata-
        been questioned by more recent contributions, mainly  clastic foliation, indicating that faulting and fracturing of
        based on seismic interpretation and deep sea drilling data  the host sediments occurred at very shallow crustal levels,
        (e.g. see KASTENS et alii, 1988; KASTENS & MASCLE, 1990;  under non-metamorphic conditions. The mean trend of
        SARTORI, 1989, 1990; PEPE et alii, 1998, 2000, among  the cataclastic foliation is N-S, in agreement with the
        many others), according to which the E-W trending struc-  bulk dextral kinematics inferred from fault striae analy-
        tures are normal faults, and the southern Tyrrhenian tec-  sis.
        tonic boundary represents a passive, i.e. purely exten-  The Gratteri-Mt. Mufara Line (See fig. 1 for location)
        sional, margin. The interpretation of the southern    had a more complex history. It formed during Late Trias-
        Tyrrhenian margin as a strike-slip, or as an extensional  sic time as a normal fault, separating differently subsid-
        deformation zone, is still matter of debate, and the data  ing blocks, and was subsequently reactivated as a trans-
        presented below are also aimed to provide new indepen-  fer fault and as a lateral thrust ramp during the
        dent evidence to help unravel the kinematic character of  Oligocene-Miocene and Miocene-Pliocene time intervals,
        this boundary. Another major E-W trending structure, the  respectively (RENDA et alii, 1999). This reactivation pro-
        Mt. Kumeta-Alcantara fault onshore northern Sicily,   cess may provide an explanation to account for the pre-
        extends for over 300 km, from the Trapani Mts. to Mt.  sent, anomalous NNW-SSE orientation of the Gratteri-
        Etna (fig. 1; RUGGIERI, 1966; GHISETTI & VEZZANI, 1984,  Mt. Mufara Line, that is different from the mean NW-SE
        and references therein). Detailed structural analyses  orientation of adjacent faults. The distribution of seismic-
        revealed for the Mt. Kumeta-Alcantara fault a general  ity in the Madonie Mountains (see fig. 2; FREPOLI &
        right-lateral kinematic character (GHISETTI & VEZZANI,  AMATO, 2000), suggests that this structure was further
        1981, 1984).                                          recently reactivated as a dextral strike-slip fault (e.g. see
           In addition to N-S trending extensional faults and E-  RENDA et alii, 2000).
        W trending strike-slip faults, other structures are recog-  All structural data collected along the Marettimo, Tra-
        nised in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin. Most struc-  pani and San Vito faults, and along the Gratteri-Mt.
        tures trend NW-SE (BOCCALETTI et alii, 1982). FINETTI &  Mufara Line, are consistent with a sub-horizontal, NW-
        DEL BEN (1986) named the most important NW-SE         SE directed shortening.
        trending structures as follows, from west to east: the
        Marettimo fault, the Trapani fault, the San Vito fault, the
        Palermo fault and the Etna fault (fig. 1). RENDA et alii              GEOPHYSICAL DATA
        (1999) further recognised a major NNW-SSE trending
        structure, the Gratteri-Mt. Mufara Line, that character-  In this section we briefly review the available geo-
        ised the tectonic evolution of the Madonie Mountains,  physical information that allows for definition of the
        and that experienced repeated reactivation through time.  main crustal – and lithospheric-scale features of the
        All these structures occur within a 400-km long, 150-km  Southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin (MORELLI et alii, 1975;
        wide deformation belt, bounded by the E-W trending    CALCAGNILE & PANZA, 1981; PANZA, 1984; SCARASCIA et
        Ustica-Eolie and Mt. Kumeta-Alcantara faults (fig. 1). The  alii, 1994; AGIP, 1981; GALDEANO & ROSSIGNOL, 1977;
        exposed portions of NW-SE trending faults in the Egadi  FREPOLI & AMATO, 2000). The Southern Tyrrhenian Sea
        Islands and in northern Sicily exhibit a marked strike-slip  margin matches the transition from a normal continen-
        component (ABATE et alii, 1988, 1998; MAUZ & RENDA,   tal crust, ca. 40 km thick underlying northern Sicily, to
        1995; RENDA et alii, 1999, 2000).                     a strongly thinned continental crust, ca. 10-15 km thick
           The activation of N-S, E-W and NW-SE trending fault  underlying the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (fig. 2): as
        systems is generally referred to the Early Pliocene-Recent  already mentioned, some parts of the southern Tyrrhen-
        interval (BOCCALETTI & DAINELLI, 1982; GHISETTI & VEZ-  ian Sea are also locally floored by newly created oceanic
        ZANI, 1982, 1984; FINETTI & DEL BEN, 1986).           crust (fig. 1; KASTENS et alii, 1987). The modes of normal
                                                              to thinned continental crust transition are controversial.
                                                              According to MORELLI et alii, 1975 the transition occurs
                         STRUCTURAL DATA                      gradually, with a base of the continental crust that slo-
                                                              pes gently from the Tyrrhenian Sea south-westwards
           The NW-SE trending faults of the southern Tyrrhen-  under Sicily. According to SCARASCIA et alii (1994),
        ian Sea margin are recognised on a wide variety of sca-  instead, this transition is abrupt, with a significant step
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