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and 30 m (Abate et al., 1995, 1997). Based upon their      respect to the parent rocks. Individual DBs can solve
grain size, sorting, sedimentary/biogenic structures and   volumetric and/or shear strain (Aydin et al., 2006), pure
amount of matrix and cement, as well as the widespread     volumetric deformation can form either compaction or
erosional flooding surfaces, Tondi et al. (2012)           dilation bands. Pure shear deformation determines the
distinguished up to seven different lithofacies. In        formation of shear bands. When both types of strain
general, the carbonate grainstones are mainly              occur along individual bands, compactive (negative
comprised of bioclasts ranging in size from                volumetric component) and dilatant (positive
submillimeter to centimeter. The amount of matrix and      volumetric component) shear bands may form (Aydin
calcite cement varies significantly among the different    et al., 2006).
lithofacies. Thin-section observations are consistent
with presence of well-connected intergranular and              In carbonate rocks, during advanced stages of
intragranular porosity within the carbonate grainstones.   deformation, dissolution for pressure may occur within
Tondi et al. (2012) documented a wide range of             the already compacted bands, determining a grain-size
porosity in the host rock, the values vary between 30      reduction (Tondi et al., 2006; Tondi, 2007). The
and 50% (helium pycnometer measurements).                  transition from banding to faulting behavior is likely
                                                           controlled by changes of the material properties within
    The structures used in this study are deformation      the bands. Generally, single compactive shear bands
bands similar to those reported by Tondi (2007) within     evolve continuously forming zones of multiple
the marine deposits of Lower Pleistocene age, cropping     compactive shear bands and, eventually, fault zones
out in the coastal plain of Castelluzzo (NW of the         (Tondi et al., 2006; Tondi, 2007; Tondi et al., 2012)
Island of Sicily).                                         comprised of discrete and sharp slip surfaces and fault
                                                           rocks (i.e. breccia and gouge). Within carbonates, the
    Deformation bands (DB) are structures peculiar of      shearing across pre-existing stylolites facilitates the
porous rocks and consist of mm- to-cm thick tabular        accumulation of slip and formation of discrete shear
zones that accommodate shear and/or volumetric strain      planes (Aydin et al., 2006; Tondi et al., 2006; Tondi,
(e.g. Aydin & Johnson, 1978; Antonellini & Aydin,          2007).
1994; Aydin et al., 2006). While many examples of
deformation bands are reported from siliciclastic              At Cala San Nicola, Favignana, thanks to the
sediments (see Fossen et al., 2007 for a full review),     presence of many quarries, the geometry, kinematics,
only a few examples are described in porous limestones     and dimensional parameters (i.e. length, thickness and
(Micarelli et al., 2006; Tondi et al., 2006; Tondi, 2007;  amount of displacement) of the two sets of shear
Agosta et al., 2009; Rath et al., 2011; Cilona et al.,     structures have been characterized (Tondi et al., 2012).
2012; Rustichelli et al., 2012; Tondi et al., 2012).       The data have been collected at Cala San Nicola (Fig.1
Deformation bands are easily recognizable in the field     b) by means of several scan lines and detailed structural
because of their lighter-color and positive relief with    maps at a 1:1 scale.

Figure 1. Plot explaining why this article is the way it is (after Faultman, 1992). Figure 1: a) Geological
setting of western Sicily, the arrow points Favignana Island, b) Geological map of Favignana, the study area
is marked by the red box (after Tondi et al., 2012).

                                                                           Stanford Rock Fracture Project Vol. 24, 2013 E-2
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