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maximum apparent horizontal slip. The authors            distributions of the three aforementioned dimensional
demonstrated that the displacement along the zones of    parameters are best fitted by negative power-law
bands is proportional to the number of single bands      (Mandelbrot, 1983):
present. Along the faults, by contrast, when
displacement reaches 20-30 cm, a continuous discrete     N( = aS-D  (1)
slip surface is recognizable and the number of bands
does not increase for larger amount of displacement          where N is the number of features having a size
(Tondi et al., 2012).                                    greater than or equal to S (e.g. the fault length), a is a
                                                         measurement of the sample size, and the power-law
Figure 3: Cumulative frequency distributions for         exponent D represents the slope of the best fit line,
(a) thickness, (b) displacement, and (c) length          which some authors interpreted as the fractal dimension
computed for single compactive shear bands (in           (Childs et al., 1990; Scholz and Cowie, 1990).
blue), zone of compactive shear bands (in red)
and faults (in green). From Tondi et al. (2012).             The plots show that there are breaks in the thickness
                                                         and displacement distributions between: i) single bands
    The author used a cumulative frequency distribution  and zones of bands, and ii) faults (Fig. 3a and b; Tondi
technique to determine the distribution of length,       et al., 2012). With regards to zones of bands vs. faults,
thickness and displacement properties of the fault       the switch from one power law distribution to another
network. In Fig. 3, the cumulative frequency             occurs at about 10 cm of thickness, 10 cm of
                                                         displacement and 8 m of length. However, it should be
                                                         noted that the lengths distribution contains a lack of
                                                         data between 5 and 8 m. The authors interpreted those
                                                         as the threshold values for the transition from banding
                                                         to slip surfaces and cataclasis and, consequently, the
                                                         fault development.

                                                         Fluid flow within deformed porous

                                                             Carbonates are economically important because
                                                         about 50% of natural geo-fluids (i.e. mineral and
                                                         hydrothermal waters, geothermal fluids, hydrocarbons)
                                                         are hosted in these rocks (Schlumberger Market
                                                         Analysis, 2007). Carbonate rocks consist of a great
                                                         variety of lithotypes, based upon the nature and
                                                         organization/shape of the constituting elements (i.e.
                                                         grains, pores, cement, clay minerals), and are
                                                         characterized by a wide range of porosity and
                                                         permeability (Lucia, 1999).

                                                             Many scientific papers thoroughly investigated the
                                                         formation and development of faults and fractures in
                                                         dilatant (tight) carbonates. In contrast, little attention
                                                         has been paid so far on the nucleation and development
                                                         of localized deformation in compactant (porous)

                                                             Because of the micro-mechanisms responsible for
                                                         deformation band formation, the effect of shear bands
                                                         on porosity and permeability of high-porosity rocks is
                                                         opposite to the effect of fractures in low-porosity rocks.
                                                         Indeed since deformation bands tend to have a lower
                                                         permeability with respect to their host rocks (e.g.
                                                         Antonellini & Aydin, 1994; Antonellini et al., 1999;
                                                         Tondi, 2007; Rath et al., 2011; Rustichelli et al., 2012),
                                                         they may act as barrier for fluid flow. In order to mimic
                                                         the compartmentalization effects caused by deformation
                                                         bands in a porous rocks, many paper have been
                                                         published in the last few decades (Antonellini & Aydin,

                                                         Stanford Rock Fracture Project Vol. 24, 2013 E-4
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