Page 112 - Tesi_dottorato_Polizzi_Sabrina
P. 112

Appendice 1 – Scheda tecnica del Multibeam Reason 8160

Swath coverage greater than  SeaBat 8160
4x water depth
                             The SeaBat 8160 provides an unbeatable combination of range, resolution &
Operafional dep ths 10m to   profitability, a first for a system of this frequency range.
                             The SeaBat 8160 transducer array is comprised ot a linear receive and
50kHz (no minai) f requency
                             transmit array mounted together on a support base . The T·shaped array
126 beams                    geometry provides the basis fora compac t, high-resolution sonar whicti
                             is easily installed for portable or hull mounts - a first fora high-resolution
Hull-mount or portable       system in this ffequency range.

Sidescan upgradabte          The system features a pitch-stabilized transmitler and an active roll
                             compensated receiver.

                             The SeaBat 8160 processar is compatible wilh other SeaBat sonar heads .
                             1t can be updated in minutes to accom mod ale future requirements and
                             features a user-friendly point-and-click interlace.

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