Page 114 - Tesi_dottorato_Polizzi_Sabrina
P. 114

Appendice 2 – Scheda tecnica del Multibeam Reason 8111

• Phase and amplitude        SeaBat 8111
   bottom detection
                             The SeaBat 8111 is a modular multibeam echosounder system operating at
• 1OOkHz frequency           100kHz. When installed on a vessel, it produces high-density, high-accuracy
• 150° swath coverage        soundings on the seafloor aver a 150° swath. Major system components
• Real-time quality control  include a transducer array, a transceiver unit and a processar unit.
• Sidescan upgradeable
• Modular and portable       The SeaBat 8111 transducer array is comprised of a cylindrical receive array
• Pitch stabilization        and a linear transmitter array, mounted together on a suppor! cradle that
                             provides mounting points lo the vessel. Lightweight and portable, the array
                             can be installed temporarily aver the side of a vessel of opportunity - a first for
                             a system in this frequency range.

                             The SeaBat 8111 transceiver features plug-in cards for easy maintenance and
                             is controlled from the sonar processar.

                             The Seabat 8111 processar is compatible with other SeaBat sonar heads, can
                             be updated in minutes to accommodate future requirements and features a
                             user-friendly point-and-click interface.

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