Page 113 - Tesi_dottorato_Polizzi_Sabrina
P. 113


                        Freqooney:                     50kHz (nom inai)
                        Deplh Rosolution:              1.4 / 2.9/8.6cm (rango dependent )
                        Swath Coverage:                Greater than 4x water depth

                        Max Operil!i onal Oeptll:      3000m
                        N urnbèr o f Beam s:           126
                                                       1 .5~ , :· tO", 4.5•, 6 .04 (setectable}
                        AJong·Track Seamwidth:         1.5• at Radif (nominai}
                        Aeross-Trad<. Béamwidth:
                        Pitch St.abi.lization:         t- 10 ~

                        Opèfatlonat Speed:             Up to 20 knots
                        Max. Updaté Rate:              15
                        Transduce! Depth Ratiog:       100m

                        INTERFACE                      115Vi230V 50160 Hz,350W

                        System Supply:                 SVGA. 800 X 600, 72Ht

                        System ControJ:                TrackbaU or fcom Ethemat
                        Data O utput:
                        Data Uplink:                   10MB Ethernel or seria! RS232C
                                                       Hlgh -speed digitai coax with tiber.c!lptfc opt.ion

                                                       Oparating:                                o• lo +40"C

                                                       Sto t s g e:                              -30" to +55"C

                        M ECHAN I CAL IN TERFACE

                        Dimensions:                    1474.5 x 1100 x 90.5mm
                        Transduoet Array:
                        Processor:                     177x483X417mm
                        T r an s c éi v e r:
                        We i gh t :                    265 x·183 x 492mm
                        Hyd rcphone:
                        P! OCessor:                    42kg (dry)/17.Skg (wet) mcludi09 15m cabla
                        T r a n s m ftte r.            20kg
                                                       37kg {dry) /18.5kg (wèt) ineluding 15m cabkl


                        RESO N NS                      Ri:SON lnc.                               :RESON Oifshote l!d.
                        Oeomerk                        Téf: +1 &05 9M-iì260                      UnitedK..i~m
                        Tal: T45 4738 0022             E-mait saJès@resot't com
                        E·mait rason@teson_c;;                                                   Tet +.U 1224 709 900
                                                                                                 IE-mail: sa!!l:
                        RESO N Gm bH                   RESON S_V.
                        Germany                                                                  :RESON {Pie ) l td
                        Tet: -+49 431 ?2\1 7160        The Nethe-fla11<fs                        Singapore
                        E·mail;:  l a!: +31 (0)10 2~5 1500                  Tet +65 6725-9851
                                                       E-mali: inf-o@reson_d
                                                                                                 ~ -mai!l: sa!es.@reson ~com


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