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Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) (2010) 99 (Suppl 1):S243–S264
           DOI 10.1007/s00531-009-0473-x
            ORIGINAL PAPER

           Rates of active compressional deformation in central Italy
           and Sicily: evaluation of the seismic budget

           Francesco Visini Æ Rita de Nardis Æ Giusy Lavecchia

           Received: 11 August 2008 / Accepted: 12 July 2009 / Published online: 5 August 2009
           Ó Springer-Verlag 2009

           Abstract  Historical and recent seismicity records and  shear zones, in agreement with recent horizontal GPS
           available source mechanisms in eastern-central Italy  motion model and other independent evidence.
           (Marche–Adriatic region), in mainland-southern Sicily and
           in the Tyrrhenian offshore of northern Sicily show com-  Keywords  Seismotectonics   Active thrust faulting
           parable deformation patterns. Seismotectonic consider-  Seismogenic crustal deformation   Sicily
           ations indicate that each of the three areas represents a  Marche–Adriatic region   Southern Tyrrhenian Sea
           broad seismogenic province of relatively homogeneous  Italy
           deformation. On the basis of the historical earthquake
           catalogue, the parameters of the Gutenberg–Richter dis-
           tribution have been calculated by means of a Monte Carlo  Introduction
           simulation method. The average moment tensors have been
           computed from focal mechanism data and the strain rate  Knowledge of the velocity and strain tensors of seismo-
           and velocity tensors evaluated by means of Kostrov’s (in  genic deformation is an essential tool for determining the
           Izv Acad Sci USSR Phys Solid Earth 1:23–44, 1974)  seismic hazard of an active region. Geological, geodetic
           relation, which also considers the shape and size of the  and seismological data may provide insights into the strain
           seismogenic volume. The uncertainties have been system-  fields, and their integration is necessary in order to obtain
           atically incorporated. The results show that the three seis-  more constrained and stable strain parameters and to
           motectonic provinces are all undergoing shortening at  improve estimates of earthquake forecast.
           seismic rates (*0.3 mm/year in the WSW–ENE direction  Geological data are capable of recording the long-term
           in the eastern Marche–Adriatic region, *0.1 mm/year in  deformation history of a region and the related strain
           the N–S direction in mainland-southern Sicily and  release patterns. Consequently, they may allow us to
           *0.2 mm/year in the NW–SE direction in the Southern  extend the history of slip of a seismogenic region to a large
           Tyrrhenian zone). The motion pattern in the Marche–  number of earthquake cycles (Yeats and Prentice 1996;
           Adriatic and in the Sicilian provinces suggests that these  Ward 1998; Papanikolaou et al. 2005). Obviously, the
           areas undergo active crust-scale deformation along reverse  completeness of geological strain rate depends on the
                                                              availability of quantitative geological data for the study
                                                              area. Well-constrained data such as the 3D geometry and
                                                              kinematics of the seismogenic structures, timing of the
           F. Visini (&)   G. Lavecchia                       deformation, accurate displacement evaluation and slip
           Laboratorio di Geodinamica e Sismogenesi, Dipartimento di
           Scienze della Terra, Universita ` ‘‘G. d’Annunzio’’,  rates are not always available (Ward 1998; Roberts 2006;
           Campus Universitario, 66013 Chieti Scalo, Italy    Wallace et al. 2007).
           e-mail:                            Geodetic strain takes into account the total value of the
                                                              active deformation, but it is unable to discriminate the
           R. de Nardis
           Dipartimento della Protezione Civile,              seismic components from the aseismic ones. Moreover, it
           Servizio Sismico Nazionale, DPC-SSN, Rome, Italy   is still unclear whether geodetic data can be extrapolated to

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