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1312 C. Ravier and J.-M. Fromentin
principal sources of variability (Fromentin et al., 1998; duct established ‘‘homing behaviour’’ (Cury et al.,
Bjørnstad et al., 1999). 1998). Moreover, Polovina (1996) demonstrated decadal
variations in the trans-Pacific migration of northern
Long-term fluctuations in fish abundance have been bluefin tuna in relation to climate-induced change in
demonstrated for several Atlantic fish populations (see prey abundance, but also stressed that the spawning
Cushing and Dickson, 1976; Cushing, 1982; Alheit and areas never changed. Such arguments tend to dismiss a
Hagen, 1997). They have been commonly related to hypothesis of changes in migration patterns, but it must
three main factors: be kept in mind that most of studies cited were per-
formed over a short period and covered recent trends
(1) human activity, mainly through overexploitation only.
and pollution of spawning and nursery areas,
Our main hypothesis is therefore based on the old, but
(2) environmental changes, still pertinent, concept of Hjort (1914, 1926), according
(3) biotic processes, such as predation, cannibalism to which the 100–120 years cycle in bluefin tuna abun-
dance would result from annual fluctuations in recruit-
and competition. ment. Eastern bluefin tuna are widespread and only
reproduce in a small spatial and temporal window
Overexploitation is a well known feature of many (around the Balearic islands and in the south Tyrrhenian
North Atlantic fish populations (Myers et al., 1996; Sea from mid-May to June, Mather et al., 1995). There-
Cook et al., 1997). However, it is unlikely to explain the fore, recruitment of bluefin tuna is more likely to vary
100–120 years cycle of variations in bluefin tuna abun- from year to year than recruitment of tropical tuna
dance because, first, exploitation cannot lead to cycles of populations, which reproduce over large areas and in
about the same length (more than a century) over more stable waters (Fromentin and Restrepo, 2001).
different periods and in different locations, second, traps This feature is of particular interest, because Bjørnstad
are passive gear, and third, the number of traps et al. (1999) demonstrated that short-term variability in
remained more or less constant over the period analysed, recruitment of fish combined with cannibalism between
so effort is likely to have been constant. In the case of juveniles may induce long-term fluctuations because
bluefin tuna, therefore, it is likely that factors (2) and/or of the resonant effects. Furthermore, Fromentin and
(3) were more influential. Biotic and environmental Fonteneau (2001) showed that noise in recruitment
factors can effect long-term variations in bluefin combined with a large number of classes of spawners
tuna trap catches, through enhancing or impacting could also lead to long-term variations in spawning
recruitment. Environmental events mainly affect fish stock biomass and yields, as well as to regular cycles,
recruitment through changes in: depending on the lifespan of the species. These last
theoretical findings appear consistent with the present
sea temperature, which influences the daily develop- results, which show a 15–30 years cycle concomitant to
ment and mortality of the eggs and fish larvae (Pepin, the bluefin tuna lifespan. This feature could further
1991; Ottersen and Sundby, 1995), provide an hypothesis to explain the collapse of the
Nordic fishery for bluefin tuna in the mid-1960s (Tiews,
food availability, i.e. the match-mismatch hypothesis 1978; Marsac, 1998) and its reappearance after 30 years
(Hjort, 1926; May, 1974; Cushing, 1990) and/or the (Olafsdottir and Ingimundardottir, 2000).
impact of the wind and current at a large (dispersal of
fish eggs and larvae, Hjort, 1926; Lasker, 1975) and Fisheries implications
small scale (turbulence playing a role in prey encoun-
ter rates; MacKenzie and Leggett, 1991; MacKenzie Atlantic bluefin tuna are mainly managed by quotas
et al., 1994; Kiørboe and MacKenzie, 1995). and size limits (ICCAT, 2001). In the long term, the
Convention upheld by the International Commission for
Biotic processes, such as predation, cannibalism, and the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) as well as
competition resulting from food and habitat limitations, the precautionary approach imply that Atlantic tuna
can also generate cycles and long-term fluctuations in stocks should be managed by strategies based on
fish stocks, through density-dependent-mortality/growth maximum sustainable yield, i.e. based on models that
and resonant effects (Caley et al., 1996; Knell, 1998; often assume that the population is at an equilibrium or
Bjørnstad et al., 1999; Fromentin et al., 2000b). steady state (Hilborn and Walters, 1992). The current
results have shown annual and long-term variations in
The environment certainly influences migration abundance of bluefin tuna, so the concept of maximum
patterns of fish populations (e.g. the West Greenland sustainable yield may be irrelevant for the eastern
cod stock; Cushing, 1982). It could therefore be argued Atlantic population. The temperate life history traits of
that the 100–120 years cycle in catches of bluefin tuna by the species (slow growth, late age at maturity, short
the trap fishery may have been the result of a switch
between Mediterranean and West Atlantic spawning
sites attributable to changes in oceanographic conditions
and/or food availability. Past research and mark-
recapture studies indicated that bluefin tuna migrate
annually to well-defined spawning areas, i.e. they con-