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702  BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 141 (2008) 699–709

was assessed by classifying fishes within three size categories    continuous), medium (illegal fishing occurring but limited by
(i.e. small, medium, large) on the basis of the maximum total     infrequent surveillance) and low (common illegal fishing
length attained by each species (Froese and Pauly, 2006). Fish    and virtually inexistent surveillance) (Table 1). Categorization
biomass was evaluated using size distributions and length–        was obtained by first assigning a score to surveillance and
weight relationships from the literature (Francour, 1990; Fro-    poaching for any single marine reserve in terms of percentage
ese and Pauly, 2006). Early juvenile stages (settlers and re-     of days per year when there was an active surveillance (<25,
cruits) were not taken into account.                              25–75, >75%, corresponding to score values of 0, 1 and 2,
                                                                  respectively) and events of poaching (<25, 25–75, >75%, corre-
    Five research groups worked within the same research          sponding to scores of 2, 1 and 0, respectively). Then, the prod-
framework, using standardized methods in all the 15 loca-         uct of surveillance and poaching scores was calculated and
tions investigated. As the level of personal experience may       the enforcement category assigned with 0 = low, 1–2 = med-
bias the results of fish visual censuses (Williams et al.,         ium and 4 = high enforcement.
2006), meetings and an intensive training were done for all
participants, to standardize the procedures and the observers’        We quantified the effects of protection within reserves as
ability to collect accurate data, before sampling started.        the natural logarithm of the ratio between the values of the
                                                                  response variable (i.e. fish density and biomass) in reserves
2.2. Treatment of data                                            and fished conditions as response ratios, ln R (Hedges and
                                                                  Olkin, 1985; Micheli et al., 2004). Data were thus normalized
Methods derived from meta-analysis were used to examine           and the response to protection examined independently of
and summarize the general response of fish to protection.          the absolute densities at each location. As estimations of
As visual censuses were done at several fished and unfished         average values can be affected by sampling effort, we calcu-
sites and sampling was repeated through time, mean values         lated weighted means using the natural logarithm of the total
were used to approximate average conditions in space and          area covered by the censuses from which the estimates were
time (see Guidetti and Sala, 2007).                               obtained (Mosquera et al., 2000). Positive response ratios indi-
                                                                  cate greater density and/or biomass of species or trophic
    We examined the response to protection at species/family      groups in unfished than in fished areas, whereas negative val-
level (Mugilidae and Atherinidae include species difficult to      ues indicate greater values in fished areas compared to unf-
identify visually at species level), at target vs non-target fish  ished areas. A ratio of zero, instead, means that densities
level, and at functional level (i.e. trophic groups). Fish taxa   are similar between reserves and fished conditions. Averages
were pooled into functional groups based on their trophic po-     of the mean response ratios were considered significantly dif-
sition because fishing disproportionately targets species at       ferent from zero (i.e. there is a significant protection effect)
higher trophic levels (Pauly et al., 1998), and recovery from     when the 95% confidence limits around the mean do not over-
fishing potentially includes increased abundances or biomass       lap with zero (Micheli, 1999 and references therein). Based on
of high-level predators and shifts in trophic structure (Micheli  the evidence that effective reserves and, more generally, areas
et al., 2004). Each species/family was assigned to one of eight   characterized by null/low levels of exploitation can host par-
trophic groups using the available information about diet and     ticularly high fish biomass (Friedlander and DeMartini, 2002;
size in the database ‘‘FishBase’’ (Froese and Pauly, 2006), and   McClanahan et al., 2007; Stevenson et al., 2007), we also esti-
in Mediterranean studies (Sala, 2004; Guidetti and Sala,          mated total fish biomass within the reserves and fished areas
2007): (1) large piscivores, (2) small piscivores, (3) inverte-   at the 15 locations investigated. We then calculated the rela-
brate-feeders of group 1 (major predators of sea urchins), (4)    tionship between total fish biomass within the reserves and
invertebrate-feeders of group 2 (whose diets seldom include       the enforcement level.
sea urchins), (5) small cryptobenthic carnivores, (6) detriti-
vores, (7) planktivores and (8) herbivores (see Figs. 3 and 4         As reported above, the transition from macroalgae to bar-
for species groupings). We split invertebrate feeders into        rens can be enhanced by the removal of predators of sea urch-
two groups because of the major role a few fish species can        ins, i.e. D. sargus and D. vulgaris (Sala et al., 1998; Hereu et al.,
have in regulating sea urchin populations and hence poten-        2005; Guidetti, 2006). A threshold density of $12 adult Diplodus
tially affecting the entire benthic community (Sala et al.,       fish 125 mÀ2 was found to maintain sea urchin population
1998; Guidetti, 2006). Piscivores included species feeding        density under the threshold ($8–9 urchins mÀ2) critical for
exclusively on fishes and species feeding on both fishes and        triggering community shifts (Guidetti and Sala, 2007). There-
invertebrates (Micheli et al., 2004).                             fore, only those reserves where conditions (e.g. effective
                                                                  enforcement and compliance and/or habitat availability) are
    We first considered in our analyses all reserves to look for   appropriate to host sufficiently dense populations of Diplodus
possible general responses. Then, we grouped the reserves         may have the potential to recover from barrens back to mac-
into three categories based on the level of enforcement. Cat-     roalgal beds or maintain flourishing macroalgal beds. We thus
egorizing enforcement at each reserve required obtaining          evaluated this potential by assessing density of Diplodus in the
information about (1) the frequency of illegal fishing within      reserves in relation to enforcement.
the reserves, and (2) the efficacy of the reserve personnel,
the coast guard or other marine police forces in doing an ac-     3. Results
tive surveillance against illegal activities. This information
was directly collected by the researchers involved in the pro-    Across all locations combined, total fish density was on aver-
ject, and/or gathered by questioning the reserve personnel        age 1.15 times greater in reserves than in fished areas
and local people. The relative enforcement categories were        (ln R = 0.16 ± 0.17; 95% CI) (Fig. 2A). The lower the enforcement
high (poaching very occasional if any, patrol very active and
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9