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waste reef lies for many kilometres on the shore. Moreover the recovery of the Marsala Lagoon from
silting up and pollution is also fundarnental due to its role in the ecology of the whole area, being an
important nursery area and piace of many endemie flora and fauna specie.
The Mazara del Vallo harbour channel is also a source of pollution because of its big fleet and.
especially, the 48 illegal sewage assessed in the area, though reclaiming is necessary.
Pantelleria Island should be considered for its natura! and environmental interesting aspects, both
terrestrial and marine. with a view to a marine reserve institution.
The future marine reserve in the Egadi Archipelago is the most important aspect for the flowing
management difficulties: it could be possible to limit fishing activity only to the resident fishermen. to
create are~s of biologica( rest or to avoid illegal fishing through the strengthening of guard system.
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