Page 9 - Andaloro1998
P. 9

La gestione della fascia ccHliera della provincia eli Trapani                                                  715

dell'attività di pesca ai soli residenti. inoltre il sistema di sorveglianza potenziato potrÌI impedire la
pesca di frodo.
Anche a Pantelleria. sebbene sia un ' isola lontana dalla co.~ta Siciliana necessita impedire Io strascico
illegale denunciato da numerose proteste dei pescatori che si sono fortemente opposti alla
realizzazione di un nuovo e piìt funzionale porto proprio per impedire l'approdo a pescherecci a

Coastal area in one of the most important marine environment~ both for the multitude of occurring
biologica! phenomena and for the human activity pressure, heing the interface of the complex Iand-sea
system. In the Trapani district, the developing tourism, industry and fishery multiplied the anthropic
impact on the marine coastal zone. being often source of envirmunental pollution and resources
overexploit ation.
On the whole. the Trapani district coasta] area is a high complex system due to the large variability of
the envirorunents such as minor islands. lagoons. marshes, salt pans. shorcs and cliffs. The coastal
zone of Trapani is a transition area hetween the Southem Tyrrhenian Sea and the Sicilian Strait.
showing high biologica! variability and inter.:sting naturalistic aspects.
Tite aim of this study. carried out in 1988. was to analysc the characteristics or the coastal area of
Trapani in order to identify the main management problems relatcd to environment and resources
condi tions.
In the district almost ali the towns discharge not depuratcd and often unauthorised sewage directly in
the sea. Notwithstanding the coastal area seems to be not particularly affected due to the strong winds
and currents that warrant high hydrodynamics. But in few areas the situat ion is quite worrying such as
the impact or marble saw-mills on the sea hottom where deposits cause a decay phenOJnenon the
coastal biotic community. Moreover the high development of unauthorised built-up areas indirectly
discharging unchecked sewage has to be considcred as a potential danger ror sea waters. especially in
the areas of Tre Fontane and Alcamo Marina. Many unauthorised constructions are bui lt on State soil
intluencing the choice of destination or the coastal area. mainly ror use destination. Buildings cover
more than a half of the province coastal surface (54%). thc 40% of which in intensive way.
Anothcr important impact is due to thc contribution or solid materials in the State arca, particularly in
the area of Capo Feto where a lot of illegal solid discharges are located.
Tite low concentration or nutrients and the tendency of the area to oligotrophic condition discourage
the realisation of artificial reefs even if in some cases , when it is not possible to generalise data to the
whole coastal area, fouling should he studied.
Environmental condition suggests the realisatìon of mariculture plants even if. at low depths and calm
waters. such as in Posidonia oceaniw n:cifals and into the Stagnone area, a high presence of organic
contents and sulfurised hydrogen could he present due to the decOJuposition of accumu lating dead
scales of P. oceanica. l11c frequent bnd meteorologica! conditions. due to the exposition to southem
and westem winds. and the absencc of sheltered bays dissuadt: frorn realising floating cages with the
current teclutology. Tite numerous coastal damp cnviromnents and thc wide salt plans could be optimal
for thc realisation of extensive fishing farms but both thc ones and the others are subjcctcd to diffcrent
restraints that do not allow the use in aquaculturc.
Tite presence of many protected coastal areas does not seem to be an advantage for the environment
prcservation becaus.: the very slow procedures and the management problems do not allow to
intervene in terms of recovery works.
Thc impact of tourism. present in different categories (pennanent. itinerant. daily. retum. nautica! and
r.:sident tourism) on land and marine enviromnent is difficult to quant ify but it is very violent in: use
of territory. potential pollution. sports tishing and uncontrollable nautica! traflic.
Many interventions should be realised to reclaim the area. thc ftrst of which is the removal of solid
wastcs frorn the coastal Oasis of Capo Feto and frorn the contiguous area of Petros ino where a long
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