Page 1 - BALSAMO_etalii_1996
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* Marine Gastrotricha from Sicily with INTRODUCTION
the description of a new species of
Chaetonotus Preliminary data o n gastrotrich fauna from Sicily, only
concerning the northern coast of the island (Todaro &
MARIA BALSAMO Balsamo, 1990), were conlpleted with the results of a
collecting campaigne carried out during the summer of
Dipartimento di Scienze della Produzione animale 1994. This study follows similar surveys which touched
Università di L'dine, Sardinia (Todaro et al , 1988; Balsamo et al., 1995) and
via S. blauro 2 : 1- 33010 Pagnacco.Udine (Italy) some Italian ininor islands: Elba, Giglio. Capraia and
Montecristo in the Tuscan Archipelago (Balsamo et n[.,
ELENA FREGNI 1992; Todaro et al.. 1992; Balsamo et al., 1994), Ponza in
PAOLO TONGIORGI the Pontine Archipelago and Ischia and Procida in the
Campania Archipelago (Todaro, 1992; Hummon &
Dipartimento di Biologia animale, Università di Modena, Todaro, persona1 communication).
via Università 4, 1-41100 Modena (Italy)
Research on the gastrotrich fauna from island coasts
completes the faunistic and zoogeographic studies on the
marine species of this phylurn which have been carried
out in the past along the Italian peninsular coasts (for the
latest works see Hummon et al., 1992, 1993; Todaro et
al., 1992, Evans et al., 1993; Hummon et al., 1996).
ABSTRACT Collectitig time rind sites
Forty-one spccies (25 hlacrodasyida and 16 Chaetonotida) are Marine sedimerits were sanipled during four collecting cam-
reported from the coasts of Sicily. Among the Chaetonotida, paignes, carried out in July 2nd September 1989 and in blay and June
Chuetonotus sp. 3 Valbonesi Rr L.uporini, 1987 is redescribed and 1994, respectively. Tmenty-one sites were touched ( l 0 on the north-
redrawn from specimens collected from sublittoral sediments of ern coast, 7 on the southern coast and 4 on the eastern coast): they
Giardini Naxos (Taormina), and is nanied Chflet~notiIii~cporinii. a r i listed below 2nd represented in Figure I .
KEY WORDS: Gastrotrich:~- Marine meiofauna - Mediterranean As a rule a sample of sediment was takerl at each site from a depth
varying between 1 and 3 m (sublittoral samples). At five sites tnro
fauna - Srcrly Italy. sarnples nrere collected, the second of which from che mater-line (lit-
toral samples). The samplirig dates, the nlater depth of che sublittoral
This study falls withiri a larger rescarch programme designed to in- sarnples and the grain size of the sediment at the collecting sites are
vestigate the marine fauna of the western >lediterr:inean area. and given in parentheses.
supported by a grant from the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricer-
c h e (C.N.R. contract 90.03258.CT-04, 91.00673.CT-04) to P. 1 . Giardini Naxos, Taormina (V1.1994: littoral sarnple, mediiim
Tongiorgi and the Italian Ministero dell'Cniversiti e della Ricerca sand; 2-3 m depth. coarse sand): 2. Agnonc Bagni, Catania (V.1994:
Scientifica e Tecnologica (Prograrnme MURST 40% -Popolamento littoral sarnple, medium antl 2-3 m dcpth, fine sand mixed with silt):
animale del Mediterraneo occidentale"). 3. Lido Arenella. Siracusa (\/.1994: 1-2 m depth, mediurn sand); 4.
Rada di Portopalo. Capo Passero (\I. 1994: 2-3 m depth, fine sand); i.
(Rccciurd 14 I;cbr~iriry1996 - Accrptet/ 26 .ilnrch 1996) Pozzallo, Marina di Ragusa (V.1994: 1-2 In depth, fine sand); 6. Punta
Braccetto, Marina di Ragusa (V. 1994: 1-2 m depth, fine sand); 7. iclan-
fria, Gela (\7.1994: littoral sample, medium sand mixed with silt; 2-3
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TYRRHENIAN SEA I.I4"0, 70 +t-,
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Fig, I - L0~ati01o1t' sarnpling sites.