Page 4 - BALSAMO_etalii_1996
P. 4


Genus Pfychostomella Remane, 1926                                         Tetranchyroderma papii Gerlach, 1953

Ptychostomella mediterranea Remane, 1927                                  Porto Palo. 1-2 ni

      Castrorcale. 2-3 m                                                       In Italy, T. papii is known from Tuscany, Latium,
                                                                          Campania, Apulia, Friuli and Sardinia.
      The single specimen found sl-iowed a smaller body
length, 178 pm, compared with 190 pm of the original                         Tetranchyroderma polyprobolostomum
description. In Italy, P mediteri-allea has been found i11
Tuscany, the Tuscan archipelago, Latium, the island of                          Hun-in-ion,Todaro, Balsamo & Tongiorgi, 1996
Ponza, Campania and Sardinia.
                                                                                Giardini Naxos, 2-3 m.

 Ptychostomella tyrrhenica Hummon, Todaro &                                    The only specimen collected was 450 pm long and
                                                                          sexually mature. The species has previously only been
                           Tongiorgi, 1993                                found along the coast of Campania and at the island of
      Trappeto, 2-3 m; S. Vito lo Capo, 1-2 m: Giardini Naxos, littoral,

2-3 m; Castroreale, 2-3 m; S. Ambrogio, 2-3 m.

     The specimens from the sublittoral sample of Trap-                    Tetranchyroderma sardum Todaro, Balsamo &
peto (Palermo) were longer than reported in the
literature, 197-226 vs 170-185 pm. In Italy, P. tyrrt~enica                                         Tongiorgi, 1988
has been reported in Liguria, Tuscany, Tuscan ar-
chipelago (Elba), Latium, the island of Ponza, Campania                      Lido Arenella, 1-2 m.
and the island of Ischia.
                                                                            Al1 the specimens collected fully matched the original
          Genus Tetranchyroderma Remane, 1926                             description of this species. To date T. sardum has been
                                                                          found in Sardinia, on the coast of Campania and at the
 Tetranchyroderma anomalopsum Hummon,                                     island of Ischia (Hummon & Todaro, unpublished data).

             Todaro, Balsamo & Tongiorgi, I996                            Tetranchyroderma tanymesatherum Hummon,

      Giardini Naxos. littoral                                                         Todaro, Balsamo & Tongiorgi, 1996

     Only one specimen, 458.7 pm long and sexually                           S. Ambrogio, 2-3 m.
mature, has been found in medium sand. Other than in
Sicily, T. anomalopsum is present in Marches, Abruzzi,                       Few specimens were collected in fine sand. Tetran-
Apulia and Friuli where it is only reported from fine sand.               chj~rodermatanymesatherum is known from fine sands
                                                                          of Liguria, Tuscan archipelago (Capraia), Campania and
Tetranchyroderma heterotzcbulatum Hummon,                                 the island of Ischia.

                    Todaro & Tongiorgi, 1993                              Tetranchyroderma thysanophorum Hummon,

      Giardini Naxos. 2-3 m                                                                   Todaro & Tongiorgi, 1993

      This widespread species has been found at the                         Trappeto, 2-3 m; Giardini Naxos, littoral, 2-3 m ; S. Ambrogio, 2-3
Tuscan archipelago (Elba 2nd Capraia),along the coasts of                 m; Mongiove, 2-3 m.
Latium and Campania, at the islands of Ponza and Ischia,
along the Ionian coast of Lucania, in Apulia and Friuli.                    Al1 the individuals from Trappeto and Giardini Naxos
                                                                          had a body length much shorter than that reported for
Tetranchyroderma hypopsilancrum Hummon,                                   the species, 275-360 vs 460 pm. The species has been
                                                                          recorded in Tuscany and the Tuscan archipelago (Elba,
                    Todaro & Tongiorgi, 1993                              Giglio and Capraia), in Cmpania and at the island of
                                                                          Ischia, in Sardinia, and was already known from the
       Pozzallo, 1-2 m; Rada di Portopalo, 2-3 m; Giardini Nawos, 2-3     Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily (Cefalù).

     The area of distribution of T. hypopsilancrum in-                                  Tetranchyroderma sp.
cludes Tuscany, Latium, Campania, the Adriatic coasts of
Apulia and Veneto.                                                        S. Ambrogio, 2-3 m.
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