Page 5 - BALSAMO_etalii_1996
P. 5
A single adult hermaphrodite specimen of Tetran- Paraturbanella pallida Luporini, Magagnini &
cbyroderma was found in fine sand. It measured 310 pm
in body length, with a pharynx of 64 pm, and was en- Tongiorgi, 1973
tirely covered with pentancres. Six pairs of rod-like
processes were regularly spaced o n the dorsum. A row of Porto Palo, 1-2 m.
37 lateral adhesive tubes ran o n each body side, the first
two greatly spaced each other along the pharynx region. Paraturbanella pallida is a cosmopolite species which
The two caudal feet were composed of 3 adhesive tubes, has been recorded from numerous localities along the
Italian coasts: Liguria, Tuscany and the Tuscan ar-
and separated by a series of 6 tubes. A series of 10 chipelago, Campania and the island of Ischia, Apulia, the
Marches, Veneto, Friuli and Sardinia.
adhesive tubes was located close to the ora1 ventral edge.
The presence of the rod-like processes which charac- Paraturbanella teissieri Swedmark. 1954
terized this specimen did not allow however its iden-
tification with any of the few species of the genus that are S. Vito lo Capo, 1-2 m;Porto Palo, 1-2m;Punta Braccetto, 1-2 m;
provided with similar structures and have pentancres, Rada di Portopalo, 2-3 m;Giardini Naxos, 2-3 ni; Mongiove, 2-3 m;
namely T. enallosa, T. esarabdophorum, T. birtum, and Spiaggia Salinelle, 2-3 m.
T. polyprobolostomum.
Numerous specimens were collected in al1 the
Genus Thaumastoderma Remane, 1927 sediments sampled. Species very common in Italy,
having been found in Liguria, Tuscany and the Tuscan ar-
Thaumastoderma mediterraneum Remane, chipelago, Latium and the island of Ponza, Campania and
the island of Ischia, Calabria, Lucania, Apulia,the Mar-
1927 ches. Friuli and Sardinia.
Rada di Portopalo, 2-3 m; Giardini Naxos, littoral. Genus Turbanella Schultze, 1853
This uncommon species has been found along the Turbanella ambronensis Remane, 1943
Tyrrhenian and Ionian coasts of the Italian peninsula, in
the Tuscan archipelago (Elba, Giglio and Capraia), at the
island of Ischia and in Sardinia.
Thaumastoderma ramulz~erumClausen, 1965 Trappeto, 2-3 m; S. Vito lo Capo, 1-2 m;Porto Palo, littoral, 1-2 m;
Agrigento, I m; Punta Braccetto, 1-2 m;Pozzallo, 1-2 m; Rada di Por-
S. Ambrogio, 2-3 m. to Palo, 2-3 m; Agnone Bagni, littoral; Lido Arenella, 1-2 m.
Only one specimen was collected in the Sicilian Widespread species along the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian
sediments. The distribution of T. ramuliferum includes coasts (Tuscany, the Tuscan archipelago, Latium, Cam-
the coasts of Tuscany and Tuscan archipelago (Elba and pania and the island of Ischia), in the Adriatic regions
Capraia), the island of Ponza, the coast of Campania, the (Apulia, the Marches, Emilia-Romagna and Friuli) and in
island of Ischia, the Ionian coast of Apulia and Sardinia. Sardinia.
Family TURBANELLIDAE Remane, 1925 Turbanella cornuta Remane, 1924
Genus Paraturbanella Remane, 1927 Lido Signorino, 2-3 m; Punta Braccetto, 2-3 m.
Paraturbanella dohrni Remane, 1927 Turbanella cornuta is a quite common species, report-
ed from Tuscany, the Tuscan archipelago, Latium, Cam-
pania, the Marches and Sardinia.
Punta Braccetto, 1-2 m; Giardini Naxos, littoral; S. Ambrogio, Turbanella thiophila Boaden, 1974
2-3 m.
Agrigento, 1-2 m; Punta Braccetto 1-2 m.
Species widely present in Italy, being known from the
Ligurian and Tyrrhenian coasts (Tuscany, Tuscan ar- Uncommon species. Its distribution includes the coasts
chipelago, Campania, Lucania, Calabria), from the Ionian of Liguria, Tuscany, the Tuscan archipelago (Elba and
(Apulia) and the Adriatic coasts (Molise, the Marches, Capraia), Latium, Campania and Apulia.
Veneto and Friuli) and also from Sardinia.