Page 2 - BALSAMO_etalii_1996
P. 2
m depth, fine sand); 8. Agrigento (V.1994: 1 m depth, fine sand); 9. coarse sand); 19. Castroreale. Milazzo (V1.1994: 2-3 m depth, very
Porto Palo, hlazara del Vallo (IX. 1989: 1-2 depth, fine sand; V. 1994: coarse sand); 20. Spadafon, Messina (3X.1989: 2-3 m depth, medium
littoral sample, fine sand; 1-2 n1 d e p t h , fine sand); 10. Lido sand); 21. Torre Faro, Messina (V1.1994; 1-2 m depth, coarse sand).
Signorino. ìvlarsala (V.1994: 2-3 m depth, fine sand); 11. Island of
Favignana, Egadi Islands (1X.1989: 1-2 depth, very fine sand); 12. S. Sampling and study methods are described in Todaro e! al. (1992).
Vito lo Capo, Trapani (1X.1989: littoral sample, fine sand; 1-2 m Grain size analysis of sediments was carried out according to Giere e1
dcpth, fine sand); 13. Trappeto, Palermo (V.1994: 2-3 m depth. fine al. (1988) using sieves with mesh sizes of 4. 2, 1, 0.500, 0.250, 0.125
sand); 14. Spiaggia Salinelle, Cefalu (V1.1994: 2-3 m depth, niedium 2nd 0.063 mm. Parameters were calculatcd by a computer software
sand mixed with silt); 15. S. Ambrogio, Cefalu (IX.1989: 2-3 n1 depth, programmc based on the Seward-Thoinpson & Hails (1973)
fine sand); 16. Capo d'orlando (1X.1989: 1-2 m depth, medium equation. The total organic matter in the sediment was measured ac-
sand); 17. Mongiove, Messina (V1.1994: 2-3 m depth, n-iedium sancl); cording to Giere e1 al. (1988).
18. Jesi, Island of Vulcano, Eolie lslands (V11.1989: 1-2 m depth.
Morphometric pararneters, wliich are the basis of the taxonomy at
TABLIE- &lacrodas):ids jor~tzdalong Ihe coasls sampled drtritrg lhe species level, are given for tliose species new to 1tali:in fauna, while
for others they have only been indicated where they contrasted with
colleclirzg frips. data in the literaturc.
North South East Since most gastrotrich species have a broad geographic
distribution, we chose io limit our indications to that along the
DACTYLOPOLlDAE * ltalian coasts.
Daclylopodol~r Photographic negatives of liolotypcs and paratypes Ire deposited
D. typhle :]t the ivluseo Civico di Storia Naturale of Verona (ltaly).
,~lesodasys TL, total Iength; PhL, pharyns Icngth; FiiL, furca Iength
M. adenofubrrlrrlus
TABL1E1 - Cbaefonolid~forrnd ulong rhe coasls samplecl during Ihe
collecling lrips.
Chaetonotida North Soiith East
IM cartdafus
Acarzlhodasys Aspidiopborrrs
A actrleafus A. mediferranerts
A. paranredilerranezrs
D ankeli Chaefonolrrs
Psettcioslonzella C. (E.) apechochaetus
P. elrusca C. (E.) apolemmtts
C. (E.) siciliensis
Pfychoslomella tIyslricochaetorrot~s
L? medilerranea
l? Iyrrhenica C. (ff.) Iac~tnosrrs
C. ( H . ) variosquamalrrs
T anornalopsum Schizochaetonolus
7: heleroluhrrlalum C (S.) clispar
T hypopsilancrum
C. (S.) luporirrii n. sp.
T papii
T pol~~proboloslomum Hulichaelonofzrs
T. sardum lf. aculifer
T. ~ar'yrnesalherum H. paradoxus
T. lh~)aanophorum H. spinosus
T. sp. H . fhalassopais
Thaunzasloderma H. loricalrrm
T. mediferraneum XENOTRICHULIDAE
T. ranzuliferurn He!eroxerzo!ricbulu
l? dohrni X . irzlerrnesliu
P pallida
P. leissieri
T. anzbronensis
T. cornula
T. Ihiopbila
Total 25 14 12 13 Total 16 12 8 7
0 ,species found in 1989; , species found in 1994. 0, species found in 1989; *, species found in 1994.