Page 3 - BALSAMO_etalii_1996
P. 3
TAXONOMIC ACCOUNT This cosmopolite species has been found in many
localities along the peniilsular coasts, at the islands of
The sediments of 19 o f the 21 localities sanlpled Elba, Giglio and Capraia in the Tuscan archipelago, and in
yielded 41 species, 25 iMacrodas)~ida belonging to 11 Sardinia.
genera and 16 Chaetonotida of 6 genera (Tables 1, 11).
Four species of Tetrancbyroderma are reported for the Family THAUMASTODERMATIDAE Remane, 1926
second time in Italy and one chetonotid species,
described for the Somalian coast by Valbonesi & Genus Acantbodas)~R~emane, 1927
Luporini (1987) as Chaetonotus sp. 3, is redescribed and
named Chaetorzotus lzrporinii. One species of Tctrart- Acanthodasys nculeatus Remane, 1927
cbj~rodermacould be ideiltified only at the genus level
due to the limited number of specimens found. Lido Signorino. 2-3 ni; Pozz:~llo, 1-2 m; Rada di Portopalo, 2-3
m; S. Anibrogio. 2-3 m.
Order Macrodasyida Rao & Clausen, l970 Some specimens had a body length slightly shorter
Family DACTYLOPODOLIDAE Strand, I929 than that typical o f this species, 450-625 vs 800 pm.
Acatzthodcts.ys acttleutus is comnion along the peninsular
Genus Dactylopodola Strand, I927 coasts, in the Tuscan archipelago, and in Sardinia.
Dactylopodola typhle (Remane, 1927) Genus Dipfodasys Remane, 1927
Trappeto, 2-3 m: lsola Favignana, littoral. 1-2 m; ivlanfria, 2-3 m; Diplodasys ankeli Wilke, 1954
Piinta Braccetto 1-2 m; S. Ambrogio, 2-3 m.
Giardini Naxos, littoral
This quite variable species is probably composed of
two closely related but different species (Hummon, pers. The Italia11 distribution of this species includes
comm.). The specimens found were certainly identifiable Tuscany, the Tuscan archipelago, Latium and the island
with D. typble (nomina1 form), which has pre.iliously of Ponza, the Gulf of Naples, the Ionian coasts of Calabria
been found along the coasts of Liguria, Tuscany and in and Apulia, and Sardinia.
the Tuscan archipelago (islands of Capraia and Elba),
Latium and the island of Ponza, Campania and at the Genus Psetrdostomefia Swedmark, 1956
island of Procida, in Apulia and in Friuli.
Pseudostomella etrusca Humrnon, Todaro &
Family LEPIDODASYIDAE Remane, 1927
Tongiorgi, 1993*
Genus ~blesodasj~Rsemane, I95 1
Giardini Nasos. littoral; S. Ambrogio, 2-3 in: Spiaggia Salinelle,
Mesodasys adenotubulatus Hummon, Todaro & 2-3 m.
Tongiorgi, I773 This species has been recorded in Liguria and
Tuscany, in the Tuscan archipelago (Elba and Giglio),
Trappeto, 2-3 m; Agrigento 1 m: Punta Braccetto, 1-2 in; Latium, Campania, along the Tyrrhenian coast of Calabria
Pozzallo, 1-2 ni; Spiaggia Salinelle, 2-3 ni; Giardini Naxos. 2-3 m; S. and in Sardinia.
Anibrogio. 2-3 m.
M e s o d a s ) ) ~udenotubtclatus is k n o w n f r o m the * - According to the lnternational Code of Zoological Nomenclatiire
T ~ r r h e n i a ncoasts 0f T u s c a n ~ ,L a t i u m ,Campaniav t h e
island of Ischia, the Adriatic coast of the Marches and the authorship o f this species shoiild be to ([Todaro, Tongiorgi &
from Sardinia.
Balsamo, 1992. because they were the first to apply the namc t o thc
FamiIy MACRODASYIDAE Remane, 1926
figure and descriptioii of Pse~rdoslornelbsp. by Luporini e1 a l . , 197.3
Genus ~kfacrodasysRemane, 1924
(cfr. Todaro e! a l . , 1992, p. 476), while thc first precisc description is
iMacrodasys caudatus Remane. 1927
by Hummon e1 al. (1993, p. 116). who declared P elrrrsca a new-~ ~
S. Vita lo Capo. 1-2 m; lsola Favignana; 1-2 m; Giardini Naxos, species. The scrape originited from an editorial niiscarriage of the
littoral; S. Ambrogio, 2-3 m.
Bollettino di Zoologia. The print of the paper bv Hummon et alii.
which had been s=heduled-to have t h e k c e d é n c e ovcr that h!;
Todaro et alii was arbitrarily posporied and the two papers printed
.in two subsequent issues lissue 4. vol. 59 (1992,) and issue I . vol. h0
(1993)] in a revcrted sequence. h.1. Balsamo, hl. ~ - ~ - ~-v --.-v
and P.
A. Todaro
Tongiorgi apologize with W. D. Hunimon for this involiinrdrv o- ve--r-
sigh; aid ;ccm that the authorship of Pserrdoslomella etrusca
should reniain to ~~HunimoTno, daro & Tongiorgi, 1 9 9 3 ~as in fact i[
has bccn done in al1 the following papers (cfr. Balsanio & Tongiorgi,
1995; Balsamo e! a l . , 1995).