Page 7 - BALSAMO_etalii_1996
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MARINE GASTROTRICHA FROM SICILY                                              179

scales o n the head with thick and curved spine which distally forms         18-21 pm, and a 14-34 pm long caudal furca, correspond-
a peculiar three-keeled webben expansion; 2-3 trilobated and keeled          ing to about 117 of body length (Fig. 2A).
scales o n the neck with a spine with two accessory points; hemiellip-
tical scales o n the trunk with prominent keel and thick and straight           The head is covered with a frontal cephalion, two pairs
spine. Five small scales at the dorsal posterior end. Two ventral            of small pleuria and a small subrectangular hypostomion
longitudinal rows of spined scales per side. Ventrolaterally                 on the ventral side. Two tufts composed of numerous
hemielliptical scales with curved spines bearing two accessory po-           cephalic cilia, 5-30 pm long, arise from the cephalion
ints, ventrally trilobate small scales with short spines. Interciliary area  sides. The body is wholly covered with 11-13 lon-
is bare. A pair of narrow keeled scales with spines and other four           gitudinal rows (7 dorsal) each of 16-18 spined scales.
similar scales in a transversal series at the ventral posterior end.         Both the scales and the spines have a different shape
Pharynx 30-70 pm long.                                                       depending on the body region: the first five-six scales of
                                                                             each dorsal row, 6.2-6.5 pm long, are trilobate and bear a
Emended description to that of Valbonesiand Luporini,                        very thick and curved spine which becomes so wider
1987                                                                         distally to form a peculiar three-keeled, webbed expan-
                                                                             sion, 8-9 pm long. These expansions touch each other
   Medium size species, 100-236 pm in total length. The                      creating a continuous dorsal envelope on the head (Figs
body is slender, with a slightly trilobate head, 30-40 pm                    2B-3). The next two-three scales of the dorsal rows are
wide, a faint neck constriction, 29-37 pm, a trunk of                        6.5-6.8 ym long, trilobated and keeled; each of them has
37-55 pm maximum width, decreasing posteriorly to

Fig. 2 - Chaetonotus luporinii n. sp. A, dorsal view: B. head scale; C, neck scale; D, dorsal scale of the trunk: E, ventrolateral scale of the trunk;
F, ventral view. Dotting mimics the locomotory ciliature.
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