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          Genus Heterolepidoderma Remane, 1926                         influente in lowering the number of species found.
                                                                         The 35% of the localities shows a number of species
  Heterolepidoderma loricatum Schrom, 1972
                                                                       ranging between 6 and 15. Only two sites stand out from
   S. Vito lo Capo, 1-2 m; Punta Braccetto, 1-2 m; Pozzallo, 1-2 m;    the others, Cefalù with 17 species (1989) and Giardini
Rada di Porto Palo, 2-3 m.                                             Naxos with 19 species (1994), while most localities show
                                                                       less than 6 species each. On the whole, the biodiversity
   The species is widely present in Italy along the penin-             of al1 the sites appears quite low and the fauna poorly
sular (Liguria, Tuscany, Latiurn, Carnpania, Apulia, the               diverse. The eastern coast of Sicily, in spite of less
Marches and Veneto) and island (the Tuscan archipela-                  numerous samplings carried out, revealed a number of
go, the island of Ponza, the island of Ischia, Sardinia)               species sirnilar to that of the other coast traits, mainly due
coasts.                                                                to the greater faunistic richness of the sediment from
                                                                       Giardini Naxos.
         Farnily XENOTRICHULIDAE Remane, 1927
                                                                          Only one macrodasyid (Tetrancbyroderma sp.) of the
            Genus Heteroxenotricbula Wilke, 1954                       41 species found could not be identified. The presence
                                                                       of Tetrancbyroderma anomalopsum, T. polyprobo-
   Heteroxenotrichula squamosa Wilke, i 954                            lostomum, T. kontosomum and T. tanymesatberum is of
                                                                       interest, since they have recently been described as new
   Trappeto, 2-3 m; Porto Palo, littoral; Punta Bmccetto, 1-2 m; Lido  species to the Italian peninsular coast and to the island of
Arenella. 1-2 m; Giardini Naxos, 2-3 m; Jesi, 1-2 m; S. Ambrogio, 2-3  Procida (Hummon et al., 1996)and are reported here for
m; S. Vito lo Capo, 1-2 m.                                             the second time; T. anomalopsum is recorded for the fir-
                                                                       st tirne in the Tyrrhenian sea. The occurrence of both
   In Italy, the species was reported from Liguria,                    species of the genus Thaumastodemza known for Italy
Tuscany (coast and archipelago), Latium, Campania, the                 (T. mediterraneum and T. ramuliferum) is noteworthy,
island of Ischia, the Ionian coasts of Calabria, Lucania,              as it is the finding of the Chaetonotus species previously
Apulia, and Sardinia.                                                  described by Valbonesi & Luporini (1987) from the
                                                                       Somalian coast, and recently found again by us in sam-
              Genus Xenotrichula Remane, 1927                          ples from Tuscan coast (Punta Ala), Red Sea (Sharrn E1
                                                                       Sheik) and Easter Mediterranean Sea (Larnaka Bay, island
     Xenotrichula intermedia Remane, 1927                              of Cyprus).

   Lido Signorino, 2-3 m; Porto Palo. 1-2 m: Agrigento, 1 m; Punta        Three macrodasyid (Paraturbanella dohrni, I? teis-
                                                                       sieri, Turbanella ambronensis) and three chetonotid
Braccetto, 1-2 m; Manfria, 2-3 m.                                      species (Chaetonotus dispar, C. lacunosus and
                                                                       Heterosenolricbula squamosa), known for their wide
   Xenotrichula intermedia is a cosmopolite species                    geographic distribution, have also been collected along
present in numerous localities along the peninsular                    the whole coast of Sicily. Most species found in Sicily
coastline, at the Tuscan archipelago and in Sardinia. The              (92.8%) have been recorded along the peninsular coast
single specimen from Punta Braccetto showed two                        and at minor islands, thus proving a remarkable similarity
cerebral eyes, a feature never mentioned in the descrip-               in the composition of Italian gastrotrich communities.
tions of this species.
                                                                       Balsamo A l . , Fregni E.. Tongiorgi P,, 1994 - Marine and freshwater
   Gastr~trichfauna from Sicily is composed of a number                     Gastrotricha from the island of Montecristo (Tuscan archipelago,
of species, 41, which is comparable with that found in                      Italy), with the description of new species. Boll. Zoll., 61:
some minor islands, like Capraia (36) and Elba (45) in the                  217-227.
Tuscan archipelago (Balsamo et al., 1992; Todaro e1 al.,
1992), but is lower than the number of species from the                Balsamo hl., Fregni E., Tongiorgi P,, 1995 -Marine Gastrotricha from
other Italian rnajor island, Sardinia (55) (Balsamo et al.,                 the coasts of Sardinia (Italy). Boll. Zool., 62: 273-286.
                                                                       Balsamo M., Todaro M. A,, Tongiorgi P., 1992 - Marine gastrotrichs
   The lower faunistic richness of Sicily compared with                     from the Tuscan Archipelago (Tyrrhenian Sea). Il. Chaetonotida,
Sardinia could be related to the greater granulometric                      with description of three new species. Boll. Zool., 59: 487-498.
hornogeneity of its sediments, rnainly cornposed of fine
(56%) and mediurn sand (29%), as well as to the poorer                 Evans W. A,, Todaro M. A., Hummon W. D., 1993 - Eutrophication
variety of the coastal environrnents; even the bad con-                    and gastrotrich diversity in the Northern Adriatic Sea. blar.
dition of the sea at the sampling time may have had some                   Pollut. Bull., 26: 268-272.

                                                                       Giere O.! Eleftheriou A., Murison D. J., 1988 - Abiotic factors. In: R.
                                                                            Higgins 8i H. Thiel (eds), Introducrion to the study of meiofauna.
                                                                            Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington, pp. 61-78.

                                                                       Hummon W. D., Balsamo M., Todaro M. A,, I992 - Italian marine

                                                                            Gastrotricha: 1. Six n e w and o n e redescribed species of
                                                                            Chaetonotida. Boll. Zoll., 59: 499-516.
                                                                       Hummon W. D,, Todaro M. A,, Tongiorgi P., 1993 - Italian marine
                                                                            Gastrotricha: Il. One new genus and ten new species of
                                                                            Macrodasyida. Boll. Zoll., 60: 109-127.
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