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Fig. 4 - Lbctetorzotus l~iporiniin. sp. (Sharm El
Sheik, Red Sea). A, dorsal view of the head. SEiCl,
x700: B. toial view with the lorig dorsd spines.
SEM. ~ 1 7 5 0 .
Genus Halichaetonotus Schrom, 1972 The Italian area of distribution of H. spinoszls includes
Liguria, Tuscany, the Tuscan archipelago, Latium, Cam-
Halichaetonotz~saculz'Jer Gerlach, 1953 pania, Apulia, Sardinia, Veneto and Friuli.
Porto Palo. 1-2 m; S. Ainbrogio, 2-3 m Halichaetonotus thalassopais Hummon,
In Italy H. aczllifer is a widespread species, having Balsamo & Todaro, 1992
been found at numerous sites along the peninsular
(Liguria, Tuscany, Latium, Campania, Lucania, Apulia, the S. Amhrogio. 2-3 m.
Marches, Veneto and Friuli) and the insular coasts (Ponza,
Ischia and Sardinia). The species has been reported from the coast of
Liguria, Tuscany, Latium, the island of Ischia, Apulia and
Halichaetonotus paradoxus Remane, 1927 Marches (Hummon e1 al., 1992),and found in the Tuscan
Archipelago (Balsamo e1 al., 1992) and in Sardinia
Spadafora, 2-3 m (Balsamo et al., 1995).
Uncommon species, reported in Italy from Tuscany: Halichaetonotus thalassopais in Balsamo e1 al., 1992
Latium, Campania, island of Ischia and Apulia. is a nomen nudum. Indeed, in the issue 4 of volume 59 of
the Bollettino di Zoologia the paper of Hummon e1 al.
Halichaetonotus spinosus M O C ~ ,1979 (1992) containing the original description of the species
(p. 5 13) was accidentally paged after a subsequent find-
Porto Palo. 1-2 m; Manfria, 2-3 m ing by Balsamo et al. (1992, p. 495). The authorship of
the species is anyhow to Hummon, Balsamo & Todaro,
The few specimens found were longer than reported 1992.
in the literature, 109-110 vs 130-140 pm in body length.