Page 6 - BALSAMO_etalii_1996
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Order Chaetonotida Rao & Clausen, 1970 Chaetonotus (E.) siciliensis Hummon, Balsamo &
Family CHAETONOTIDAE Zelinka, 1889 Todaro, 1992
Genus Aspidiophorus Voigt, 1904 S. Vito lo Capo. 1-2 m; Giardini Naxos, 2-3 m
Aspidiophorus mediterraneus Remane, 1927 This species, described from the northern coast of
Sicily (S. Vito lo Capo), has been found along the
Isola Favignana, 1-2 m; Punta Braccetto, 1-2 m; S. Ambrogio, 2-3 Tyrrhenian (Tuscan archipelago, island of Ponza and Sar-
m. dinia) and the Adriatic coasts (Apulia and Molise).
In Italy, A. mediterraneus is present in Liguria, Subgenus Hystricochaetonotus Schwank, 1990
Tuscany, the Tuscan archipelago, Latium, Campania and
the island of Ischia, along the Ionian coast of Apulia, in Chaetonotus (H.) lacunosus ~ o c k1,979
the Adriatic sea along the coasts of Veneto and Friuli, and
in Sardinia. Trlppeto, 2-3 m; S. Vito lo Capo, 1-2 m; Punia Braccetto, 1-2 m;
Agnone Bagni, 2-3 m.
Aspidiophorus paramediterraneus Hummon,
The specimens collected at Punta Braccetto showed a
1974 greater body length, 154-160as opposed to 120-135 pm.
Cbaetonotus lacunoszcs, previously found along the
S. Vito lo Capo, 1-2 m; Giardini Naxos, 2-3 m Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily, is also known from Liguria,
Tuscany, the island of Ponza, Campania, the island of
Close to A. mediterraneus, this species is known from Ischia, from the Adriatic coasts of Apulia, the Marches
Liguria, Tuscany and the Tuscan archipelago, Latium, the and Friuli and from Sardinia.
island of Ischia, Apulia, the Marches, Veneto, Friuli and
Sardinia. Chaetonotus (H.) variosquamatus M O C ~ ,1979
Genus Chaetonotus Ehrenberg, 1830 S. Ambrogio, 2-3 m.
Subgenus Euchaetonotus Schwank, 1990 The species distribution includes the Tuscan ar-
chipelago, the coasts of Latium, Campania, the island of
Chaetonotus (E.) apechochaetus Hummon, Ischia, the Tyrrhenian coast of Lucania and Sardinia.
. Balsamo & Todaro, 1992 Subgenus Schirocbaetonotus Schwank, 1990
Porto Palo, 1-2 m; Punta Braccetto, 1-2 m. Chaetonotus (S.) dispar Wilke, 1954
Species reported for Liguria, Tuscany 2nd the Tuscan S. Vito lo Capo, 1-2 m; Rada di Portopalo, 2-3 m; Giardini Naxos,
archipelago (Capraia and Giglio), the islands of Ischia and littoral.
Procida, the Ionian coast of Apulia and Sardinia.
Common species, present in Tuscany, the Tuscan ar-
Chaetonotus (E.) apolemmus Hummon, Balsamo chipelago, Campania, the island of Ischia, the Tyrrhenian
coasts of Calabria, along the Adriatic coasts of Apulia and
& Todaro, 1992 Friuli and in Sardinia.
Giardini Naxos, littoral; S. Ambrogio, 2-3 m. Chaetonotus (S.) luporinii n. sp.
The few specimens found in Sicily were slightly (Figs 2, 3)
smaller than those previously observed from Italian sites,
110-120 as opposed to 140 ym. After the first finding on Chaetonotussp. 3 Valbonesi & Luporini, 1987, from Mogadishu,
the Adriatic-coastof Apulia, C. apolemmus was recorded Somalian coast.
in the Tyrrhenian sea at the Tuscan archipelago, Latium,
the island of Ponza, Campania, the island of Ischia and Medium size Ch~el0#0li41~0, 0-236 pm, with a 25 pm long furca.
the northern coast of Sicily (Cefalù), in the Ionian sea Small cephalion, pleuria and hypostomion. Eleven-thirteen
(ApuIia) and in the Adriatic sea (the Marches). longitudinal rows (7 dorsal) of 16-18 spined scales: 5 8 trilobated