Page 10 - Beccali_Ciulla_alii_2016
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               It  follows  that  monthly  energy  demand  for  hotels  is  evaluated  according  to  the  previous
               method by applying Eq. (3) and (4):

                             E TOT .h /c .hotel    E h /c .hotel   N bed   Occ month    ) 3 (
                             E TOT .DHW .hotel    E DHW .hotel   N bed   Occ month      ) 4 (

               where:  ETOT.h/c.hotel  and  ETOT.DHW.hotel  are  the  monthly  energy  demands  of  the  cluster  for
               respectively heating/cooling purposes and Domestic Hot Water supply, Nbed is the number of
               pax in the hotel and Occ is a parameter taking into account the touristic vocation of Italian
               Islands. According to the touristic flow, Figure 5 shows the Occ-values on a monthly basis.
               Main assumption for DHW curve is that all beds in the hotel are booked during summer and
               holydays  periods.  Meanwhile,  the  seasonal  heating  and  cooling  demand  is  considered
               proportional to the percentage of occupied beds with respect to heating and cooling period.

                                      Figure 5. Occ and final demands monthly values

               Finally, the assessment of energy demand for school has been obtained by extracting specific
               figures reported in case studies [26] grouped according to climatic zones. In particular, space
               heating demand has been calculated by assumingaverage values of specific figures. For the
               Penitentiary building in Favignana, average data for residential use for heating and cooling
               have been considered. Meanwhile, average unitary values per day for DHW production have
               been taken from Stoppato et al. [27].
               Finally,  dealing  with  the  airports  of  Lampedusa  and  Pantelleria  present  work  uses  data
               extracted  from  two  detailed  energy  audits  which  have  been  made  in  the  framework  of  a
               National project (POIN) about Italian airports [28,29]. Specifically, the reports from the POIN
               project  provide  the  actual  energy  consumption  for  air-conditioning  and  DHW  production
               coming  from  in  situ  monitoring  campaigns  and  software  simulations.  Overall  results  are
               shown in Figures 6 and 7. Absolute values are plotted island-by-island in Figure 6, where
               seasonal  energy demand regardless  end-users differentiation are shown  with  respect  of the
               energy final use (Figure 6.A). The influence of residential and tertiary sector on the overall
               energy demand is shown in Figure 6.B distinguishing the three final-uses of energy.
               A final note should be given on the level of time-resolution of the energy demand adopted in
               this paper. Due to the large difficulties that would be encountered in developing reliable daily
               load  profiles,  for  the  different  time  of  users,  energy  demand  have  been  calculated  on  a
               monthly basis. However, if large-scale heat storage is avoided, heat recovery from the engines
               may be exploited to supply (via a DH network) heat end-users only if production and demand
               are,  at  some  extent,  simultaneous.  On  the  basis  of  interviews  conducted  with  electric
               companies representatives and of a qualitative reconstruction of possible load profiles, it was
               agreed to deal with this problem by adopting a conservative reduction factor of 0.8 in order to

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