Page 13 - Beccali_Ciulla_alii_2016
P. 13


               The first of these three scenarios seems less attractive, mainly due to the fact that the number of
               customers that cover their space cooling loads via cold water supply is extremely low in islands,
               at  least  in  the  residential  sector,  being  most  of  these  loads  covered  by  small  scale  split  air-
               c.  Coverage  of  connection  cost:  only  indirect  connection  between  the  DH  network  and  the
               private users will be considered, thus having separate hydraulic circuits and avoiding any risk of
               damages and leakages. Then, quite high cost of substations can be estimated, since they must
               include one (or two) plate heat exchanger(s), controls and heat metering devices; according to a
               recent  survey  carried  out  in  Italy,  costs  in  the  order  of  3-6  k€2011  and  15-40  k€2011  can  be
               estimated for “small scale”/residential and “medium-large scale”/centralized users, respectively
               [30].  In  the  following  of  this  paper,  only  voluntary  connection  of  private  customers  will  be
               considered, assuming two distinct scenarios in terms of coverage of connection cost and share of
               customers voluntarily requiring to be connected to the network:
                   Cost  of  the  substations  totally  covered  by  the  district  heating  company,  that  is  for
                     simplicity  supposed coincident with the company currently supplying electricity, which
                     owns  and  operates  the  diesel  engines  to  be  converted  in  CHP  operation  mode.  In  this
                     scenario, obviously, the private customer requiring connection to the DH network would
                     have  no  initial  costs,  and  the  following  high  shares  of  customers  voluntarily  requiring
                     connection are supposed:
                      -  30%  of  residential  users  as  concerns  space  heating  loads  (this  low  percentage  is
                      influenced  by  the  high  share  of  residences  not  interested  in  hot  water  supply,  being
                      served in winter by small heat pumps);
                      - 60% of residential users as concerns domestic hot water loads.
                   Cost of the substations totally covered by private customer requiring connection to the DH
                     network.  From  the  customer  perspective,  the  initial  investment  obviously  represents  a
                     barrier that contributes to make connection to the DH network unattractive; then, in this
                     scenario  lower  shares  of  customers  voluntarily  requiring  connection  are  supposed,  as
                             - 10% of residential users as concerns space heating loads;
                             - 30% of residential users as concerns domestic hot water loads.

               It may be observed that no differences have been supposed for the centralized users, since most
               of  them  have  usually  hydronic  systems  for  space  heating  and  cooling  and  therefore  such
               customers are supposed to require connection to the DH network regardless of the assumption
               made for the coverage of connection costs.
               For  each  possible  combination  of  the  aforementioned  scenarios,  the  procedure  followed  to
               estimate the distribution costs and the most promising network geometry is now described. For
               the  sake  of  clarity,  the  analysis  will  be  presented  for  one  of  the  6  examined  islands,  i.e.
               Lampedusa,  which  probably  represents  the  most  complex  but  interesting  case  study.  The
               procedure consists of the following main steps:
                      1. Definition of a reasonable path for the main line (i.e. line with highest diameters and
               flow rates) of a DH network connecting the power plant (where heat is made available from
               engines) with all the identified built areas. All the main lines are consecutively numbered, as
               shown in Figure 9 for the island of Lampedusa, and their length is calculated;

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