Page 15 - Beccali_Ciulla_alii_2016
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                                 Figure 10. “High” and the “low” interconnection scenarios.

               3. Approximate values of distribution cost are calculated, for each line of the main, basing on the
               Eq. (6) proposed by Persson et al. [17]:

                                       a    C   C   d  
                                  C d      1    2   a  [€/GJ]                             (6)
                                             Q  
                                              S  
                                             L  

               where: a is the annuity, C1 is the construction cost constant (in €/m) that depends on the specific
               diameter of each main line, C2 is the construction cost coefficient (in €/m ), da the average pipe
               diameter  (in  m)  and  L  the  trench  length  (considering  only  the  supply  pipe).  QS  is  the  heat
               annually sold (in GJ/year), thus QS/L representing the so called linear heat density. Appropriate
               values of the constants C1 and C2, which depend on urbanistic features of the site, were derived
               from literature [31]. For each scenario, the Cd values were calculated for all the trenches of the
               DH main. As an example, the results obtained for the island of Lampedusa are shown in Figures
               11 and 12. In particular, in Figure 11, the results are shown for the scenario assuming the cost of
               substations  totally  covered  by  private  customers.  Conversely,  in  Figure  12  the  results  are
               presented for the scenario assuming the cost of substations entirely covered by the company
               owning and operating the DH network. Furthermore, in both the figures, some reference lines
               derived by Eq. (6) are shown, referring to small (30 mm), medium (80 mm) and large (150 mm)
               diameters, which assuming a flow rate consistent with the typical pressure drops usually adopted
               (in  the  order  of  150  Pa/m)  and  a  temperature  difference  ΔT=Tsupply-Treturn=25°C  (both  these
               assumptions  will  be  maintained  below  in  the  paper),  corresponds  to  heat  distribution  rates
               ranging between 70 kW and 3 MW, as shown in the Figure legend. For each main trench, a

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