Page 14 - Beccali_Ciulla_alii_2016
P. 14


                Figure 9. Representation of a reasonable path for the main line of a DH network covering the 6
                                            built areas identified in Lampedusa.

                      2. An incidence matrix is developed (see table in the upper part of Figure 10) to identify
               for each served area which main lines contribute to transfer heat toward the area. A  generic
               coefficient αij in this matrix is 1 if the area “j” is supplied by the main line “i”, otherwise is 0.
               Then, the “length” of each main line (and its cost, in the next steps) is virtually allocated to the
               areas  it  serves;  if  an  upstream  line  of  the  main  serves  different  downstream  areas  (as  easily
               identifiable by the incidence matrix), this allocation is made by sharing the line length li to the
               served areas proportionally to their total heat loads Q (Eq.5):

                                l i allocated  to  Area   j       ij Q j   l   i      [m]  (5)
                                              i main  lines    ij Q j
                                                       j Areas 

               This  allocation/attribution  of  the  main  line  (and  its  associated  cost)  to  each  served  area  is
               necessary to evaluate at what extent distributing heat toward the area is economically convenient.
               Then, for each area, a total length of “main + branches” lines is calculated summing up, to the
               above term, the additional length on intra-area branch lines needed to distribute the hot fluid
               toward the users (see table in the lower part of Fig. C). Of course, the total length of these branch
               lines differs for the “high” and the “low” interconnection scenarios presented in Figure 8. The
               implementation of this step is shown in Figure 10. It is intuitive that the same data presented in
               this last table could be rearranged oppositely; in fact, for each main line, it could be immediately
               calculated (considering the supplied areas and their individual heat loads) the amount of heat
               distributed. Such calculations were also performed (and will be used in the next step), but they
               are not presented here in details for the sake of brevity.

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