Page 17 - Beccali_Ciulla_alii_2016
P. 17


                  In the examined island (i.e. Lampedusa), for both the scenarios concerning the coverage of
                  connection costs, the supply of hot water for space heating, DHW and space cooling (by on-
                  site production via thermally-driven chillers) is much more viable than the supply of hot water
                  for space heating and DHW only. In fact, the linear heat density corresponding to the former
                  scenario (indicated by yellow diamond-type markers in Figures 11 and 12) is much higher
                  (and the distribution cost consequently lower) than the heat density corresponding to the latter
                  scenario (indicated by black bullets in Figures 11 and 12). Then for the examined island, due
                  to the prevalence of cooling loads (compared to space heating and DHW ones, see Figure 9),
                  induced in its turn by the high touristic vocation of the islands which makes the number of
                  occupants in the summer period much higher than in winter, only a heat distribution system
                  designed to supply energy to cover all the thermal and cooling requests could be at some
                  extent economically justifiable;
                  From a comparison between the distribution of the yellow diamond-type marks in Figure 11
                  and 12, it is evident that most of the pipes/trenches achieve much higher linear heat densities
                  (and much lower distribution costs) in the scenario with “coverage of distribution costs by the
                  company owning the network” (see Figure 12) compared to the costs in the scenario with
                  “coverage of distribution costs by the private customers” (see Figure 11). Then, the much
                  lower connection rate assumed in this latter scenario would represent a strong barrier to the
                  feasibility of the network, inducing to consider the former scenario as the most attractive;
                  A limited number of pipes (T8, T10, T11, T12, Tb4, Tb5 and Tb6) resulted not economically
                  viable. The cause of their high distribution cost is evident in Figure 9: they distribute hot
                  water only toward the Areas 1 and 2, which are characterised by low energy loads and are the
                  farthest from the power plant. Then, limiting the extension of the main of the DH network to
                  the pipes distributing heat toward the Areas 1-4 (the only ones resulted Economically Viable,
                  EV) seems to be the preferable solution. However, in the framework of this particular study,
                  the analysis is carried out by assuming to distribute heat also toward these two small areas
                  (via Non Economically Viable pipes, NEV). In fact, the study is aimed at finding a reasonable
                  compromise between the economic viability of the designed solution and the public interest to
                  increase as much as possible the share of energy loads covered by CHP.
               Similar  analysis  were  performed  for  all  the  six  examined islands,  again  identifying  the  most
               promising scenarios, the economically viable pipes of the main configuration and, eventually,
               assuming a final design with a slightly larger DH network configuration (i.e. including some Not
               Economically Viable pipes), in order to maximise the energy loads covered by CHP. The results
               for the six examined islands are schematically resumed in Table 4.

                    Table 4. Most promising scenarios identified on the basis of distribution costs diagrams

                          Most attractive scenario   Most attractive scenario
                              as concerns the                                                     Range of
                           coverage of connection   as concerns the energy   Total extension   Total   distribution costs
                 Island          costs           uses to be supplied   of the viable   extension of   for the Viable
                                                                    (cost<10 €/GJ)   the main pipes   (EV) and Not
                           Coverage   Coverage   Space   Space heat.   main pipes [m]   assumed to   Viable (NEV)
                          by private   by DH   heat. +   + DHW +                   install [m]   main pipes [€/GJ]
                          customers   company   DHW     Space cool.

                                                                                                 EV: 3.9-8.1
               Lampedusa               ×                    ×          3398.1       4484.6     NEV: 14.8-27.4
                                                                                                EV: No viable
               Favignana               ×         ×                      0.0         2789.1         pipes
                                                                                               NEV: 16.4-52.3

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