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               With  regard  to  human  resources,  86%  of  MPAs  managers  declared  that  current  MPA
               funding does not cover 100% of their needs to bring management up to an effective level.
               On average, the lack of permanent human resources amounts to 40% of expressed needs
               required annually to effectively manage MPAs (only 33% for EU MPAs and almost 67% for
               non-EU MPAs). Regarding seasonal staff, the lack of human resources amounts to 33% for
               EU MPAs and 100% for non-EU MPAs.

                                   Region           Boats           Cars          Offices
                                 Mediterranean       3(14)          2(14)          2(14)
                                  EU MPAs            3(12)          2(12)          2(12)
                                Non-EU MPAs          1(2)           1(2)           3(2)

                               Table 7: Expressed non-staff annual needs for effective management

               The lack of non-staff resources amounts to 13% of the total needs required to effectively
               manage  MPAs.  Thirteen  percent  for  boats  (14%  and  100%  for  EU  and  non-EU  MPAs
               respectively), 99% for cars (99% and 100% for EU and non-EU MPAs respectively) and 15%
               for offices (14% and 80% for EU and non-EU MPAs respectively).
               In  conclusion,  human  resources  needs  for  effective  management  are  better  met  for  EU
               MPAs. On the contrary, non-staff needs for effective management are better met for non-EU

               3.2.2  Predicting variation in resource needs

               Evidence from previous studies has shown that the extent and magnitude of financial needs
               depend on the nature of the Protected Areas (marine or terrestrial), its conservation category
               and its size (Lopez et al., 2006). Other factors, such as the size of the population concerned
               by the MPA, may influence the level of financial needs. In addition in this case, the needs
               were expressed by managers themselves and not based on external assessment. While this
               provides  an  ad  hoc  assessment,  this  may  have  created  some  bias  depending  on  the
               manager, their experience, the geographical situation of the MPA and the expectations for
               further development of the MPA.
               As human resources represent almost ¾ of current operating costs (see Section 3.1.2.) and
               are  a  restricting  factor  for  implementation  of  the  principal  activities  (control,  knowledge
               production  etc.),  potential  predictors  affecting  human  resource  consumption  were

               Through  a  sensitivity  analysis,  MPA  marine         2012 FINDINGS ON MPA SIZE
               surface area was identified as the main factor   There  is  a  very  diverse  range  of  sizes  for  the
               affecting   the   consumption    of   human      marine  part  of  MPAs:  the  smallest  covers  0.003
               resources. For this reason, the study focuses    km   (Akhziv  National  Park  in  Israel)  and  the
               on the impact of the marine surface area on      largest  (excluding  the  Pelagos  Sanctuary  for
                                                                marine mammals) covers about 4,000 km² (Gulf of
               operating  and  investments  costs.  For         Lion Marine Park in France). But 66% of MPAs are
               resources  presenting  a  low  correlation  with   no bigger than 50 km² (Gabrié et al., 2012)
               the  MPA  marine  surface,  the  Olympic

               May 2015 – Vertigo Lab, for MedPAN, RAC/SPA and WWF Med.                             Page 49
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