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               be considered very carefully because no country has developed systems to determine their
               financial needs: this information is based on local surveys.
               However, the calculated needs estimate is certainly a minimum. These figures do not include
               several  potentially  important  costs:  the  costs  associated  with  management  by  central
               agencies,  and  associated  regional  and  national  management  costs  being  the  most
               important.  These  costs  can  therefore  be  considered  as  a  minimum  and  further  research
               should be carried out to assess, by country, the costs associated with MPA management at
               regional and national levels.
               Furthermore,  these  needs  are  likely  to  increase  in  the  near  future  due  to  (i)  the  need  to
               expand  MPA  systems  by  an  estimated  additional  3.06  million  hectares,  to  achieve  Aichi
               Target 11 by 2020, and (ii) the anticipated increased costs of management due to climate
               change vulnerabilities, for example, the increased risk on coastal protection.

               5.1.3  Financing  gap for the optimal management scenario

               The available  resources  consist  of  national budget from  central  governments  and  funding
               from international cooperation. Two different samples were analysed: the first describes the
               financing gap for EU countries. For these, international funding comes mainly from EU LIFE
               projects. The second sample describes the financing  gap for non-EU countries. For these,
               funding from international cooperation comes from bilateral ODA and GEF.
               The assessment only considers those countries where there is a high level of confidence in
               the  financial  data,  except  for  Spain  and  Montenegro  which  are  in  the  medium  level  of
               confidence group.
               The financing  gap for the 14 countries assessed under the optimal management scenario
               is  estimated  to  be  €475M  if  annual  average  investment  costs  are  not  taken  into
               consideration. This gap amounts almost €700M if investment costs are included.
               Current revenues only cover 12% of financial needs for Mediterranean MPAs as a whole
               (9% if investment costs are included).
               The table and figures below detail these results for EU and non-EU Mediterranean countries.
               As might be expected, countries with the largest MPA networks are the ones with the
               largest financing  gaps: Italy, Spain, France and Greece.
               The financing  gap for the EU countries assessed under the optimal management scenario
               is  estimated  to  be  €458M  in  2014  (covered  at  11%  by  current  revenues  in  the  same
               The  financing    gap  for  the  non-EU  countries  assessed  under  the  optimal  management
               scenario is estimated to be €17M in 2014 (covered at 8% by current revenues in the same
               Hence, non-EU countries have a relatively larger financing  gaps. Despite their rather small
               number of MPAs, these suffer from important financing  gaps. This can largely be explained
               by  the  financing    available  to  MPAs,  which  is  lower  in  non-EU  countries.

               May 2015 – Vertigo Lab, for MedPAN, RAC/SPA and WWF Med.                             Page 75
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