Page 3 - Brain_morphology_2008
P. 3

Original Paper

              Series of four sections were cut every 50 µm of tis-  a
             sue; in each series, one of the sections was stained
             with one of the four antisera. For each primary anti-
             serum, the percentage of immunoreactive cells was
             estimated by counting the cells with a clearly visible
             nucleus in 18 immunostained sections.
              The count was performed using light microscopy
             fields captured at 20x magnification and digitalized
             with a Quantimet 500W image analyser. Data are
             given as means ± standard deviation.


             Encephalization quotient and gross brain mor-
              The mean brain mass (EA) of the bluefin tuna
             sampled was 6.52±1.78 g and the mean body mass
             was 97.1±19.8 kg. Based on the brain mass to body  Figure 1. Photographs of bluefin tuna brain. a) dorso-lateral
             mass relationship obtained for several fish species  aspect; b) ventral aspect. Bar = 2 cm.
             by Lisney and Collin (2006), the expected brain
             mass (EE) of the bluefin tuna specimens sampled in
             the present investigation was calculated to be 9.25
             g.Therefore, the QE is <1 i.e. 6.52/9.25 = 0.71.
              The dorsal-lateral and ventral views of the bluefin
             tuna brain are shown in Figure 1. The olfactory
             bulbs are not well developed and, in fact, are
             attached to the rostral-ventral part of the olfacto-
             ry lobes. The optic tecta are well developed and
             exhibit a deep groove. The corpus cerebelli, which
             displays a remarkable rostral-caudal extension dor-
             sal to the optic tecta up to the medulla oblongata,
             exhibits an evident external folding. The octavolat-
             eralis regions, the eminentia granularis and the
             crista cerebelli are also well developed.The ventral
             view of the brain is characterized by a very large
             hypophysis caudally followed by pre-eminent hypo-
             thalamic inferior lobes.

             Morphology of diencephalic nuclei putatively
             involved in reproductive functions
              The nucleus preopticus-periventricularis is local-
             ized in the diencephalon starting from its rostral
             end where it covers the inner surface of the ependy-
             ma lining the wall of the relevant ventricle (III ven-
             tricle or median cavity) (Figure 2). This nucleus
             consists of a few sparse neurons in the rostral part,
             whereas its aboral part is constituted by numerous  Figure 2. Micrographs of bluefin tuna brain showing the nucle-
                                                               us periventricularis, the nucleus preopticus and the cavity of
             cells closely packed and arranged in several layers  the third ventricle (bar = 500 µm). Inset: higher magnification
             (the nucleus periventricularis itself) (Figure 2).The  of the nucleus periventricularis (bar = 100 µm). Asterisk, cavi-
                                                               ty of the third ventricle; npo, nucleus preopticus; npv, nucleus
             ventral part of the nucleus periventricularis bends  periventricularis. Haematoxylin-Eosin staining.

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