Page 6 - Brain_morphology_2008
P. 6

G. Palmieri et al.

             the rhinencephalon (Figure 7 a), anti cGnRH and   tus) (Peter  et al., 1975), the goldfish (Carassius
             anti sGnRH sera immunoreacted with some           auratus) (Peter and Gill, 1975), the rainbow trout
             perikarya and nerve fibres in the olfactory bulb  (Salmo gairdneri) (Billard and Peter, 1982) and
             (Figure 7 b) and olfactory nerve (Figure 7 c). Anti  the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) (Peter  et al.,
             cGnRH immunoreactive fibres were observed in      1991).
             the junction between the olfactory bulb and the    The nucleus preopticus-periventricularis corre-
             olfactory lobe.                                   sponds to the periventricular preoptic nucleus
                                                               described by Crosby and Woodburne (1940) and
                                                               Crosby and Showers (1969). The neurosecretory
             Discussion                                        activity of the nucleus preopticus in fish species has
                                                               been shown both anatomically and functionally
              This paper provides a morphological description  (Perks, 1969). In the goldfish, the nucleus preopti-
             of the bluefin tuna brain and the diencephalic nuclei  cus periventricularis and the nucleus preopticus are
             thought to be involved in reproductive functions.  continuous, although the latter can readily be dis-
             Moreover, data on the immunolocalization of anti  tinguished as it stains with neurosecretory stains
             GnRH-positive neurons in the forebrain and mid-   such as paraldehyde fuchsin (Peter and Gill, 1975).
             brain of the species in question are also given.  In the present study, GnRH-like neurons were
              The QE, calculated on the basis of the brain mass  immunolocalized both in the nucleus preopticus and
             to body mass ratio reported by Lisney and Collin  in the nucleus periventricularis of the bluefin tuna,
             (2006) indicates that the brain mass of the bluefin  thus suggesting a potential neurosecretory role of
             tuna is less developed than expected compared with  the entire nucleus preopticus periventricularis.
             other fish. This finding is not surprising since the  In different teleost species, the preopticus compo-
             above-mentioned ratio has been calculated for 14  nent of the nucleus preopticus-periventricularis
             fish species, 8 of which are teleosts and 6 sharks,  consists of two parts: the pars parvicellularis and
             the latter representative of fish with the largest and  the pars magnocellularis (Charlton, 1932; Crosby
             heaviest brain. When the comparison of the QE is  and Showers 1969). The pars parvicellularis con-
             limited to teleost fish,then our findings show a close  sists of small cells with a lateroventral location,
             similarity between bluefin tuna brain mass and the  while the pars magnocellularis consists of large
             brains of other large pelagic species, including  cells located posterodorsally. A characteristic neu-
             Coryphaena hippurus (L.), Katsuwonus pelamis      ronal organization has been highlighted in bluefin
             (L.) and  Thunnus albacares (Bonn.) (Lisney and   tuna: neurons of different size are present in the
             Collin, 2006).                                    nucleus periventricularis proper (although the
              The observation of the gross morphology of the   largest neurons are pre-eminent), while in the pre-
             bluefin tuna brain shows the presence of a well   optic component of the nucleus preopticus-periven-
             developed optic tecta and a remarkably developed  tricularis only the smaller cell type can be found.
             integration area, the corpus cerebelli. The optic  In the present study, the widely recognized termi-
             tecta account for the dominant sensory brain area  nology of “nucleus lateralis tuberis” was used to
             of large pelagic teleosts, due to the importance of  indicate the nucleus located in the ventral-lateral
             vision for predation in pelagic environments (Lisney  area of the diencephalon whose nervous fibres con-
             and Collin, 2006). The great development of the   stitute the pituitary peduncle. Bradford and
             corpus cerebelli in the bluefin tuna is presumably  Northcutt (1983) recommended renaming large
             linked to the extraordinary locomotor performance  portions of this nucleus on a functional basis. In the
             of this high-speed and highly migratory fish      goldfish (Peter and Gill, 1975) and in the killifish
             (Altringham and Block, 1997; Safina, 1993).       (Peter  et al., 1975), the nucleus lateralis tuberis
              The neuronal cell bodies of the diencephalon of  was divided, on a topographical basis, into pars
             the bluefin tuna involved in reproductive functions  anterior, inferior, posterior and lateralis. In the
             are grouped in two main nuclei, the nucleus preop-  bluefin tuna, no morphological differences were
             ticus-periventricularis and the nucleus lateralis  observed in the neurons of the different putative
             tuberis. These two nuclei have already been       parts of the nucleus lateralis tuberis, and no prefer-
             described in the diencephalons of different teleost  ential distribution of the anti GnRH-positive neu-
             species, including the killifish (Fundulus heterocli-  rons could be found within this nucleus.

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