Page 5 - Brain_morphology_2008
P. 5

Original Paper

             distinct neuron populations in terms of cell size: i)
             small cells with a minor axis of 10.5±2.5 µm and
             a major axis of 18.0±4.1 µm; ii) large cells with a
             minor axis of 22.3±4.5  µm and a major axix of
             32.7±6.9 µm.These neurons, usually arranged in 3-
             6 layers, are interspersed in a close net of blood
             capillaries (Figure 2) and exhibit a characteristic
             topographic distribution within the nucleus. In the
             vertical part of the nucleus (nucleus periventricu-
             laris), both large and small neurons occur with the  Figure 5. a) Low magnification of a transverse section of bluefin
                                                               tuna brain showing the oculomotor nucleus sites (marked
             largest ones being pre-eminent. In the horizontal  square zones). Haematoxilyn-Eosin staining. Bar = 2 mm. b)
             component of the nucleus (nucleus preopticus),    Anti cGnRH II neurons in the oculomotor nucleus. Bar = 70 µm.
                                                               cv, cerebelli valvula; il, inferior lobe; ot, opticum tectum; arrow:
             only the smaller cell type can be found.          immuno-reactive cells.
              The nucleus lateralis tuberis is located in the ven-
             tral-lateral area of the diencephalon,where the nerve
             fibres constituting the pituitary peduncle emerge
             from the diencephalon itself (Figure 3 a, b). This
             nucleus, constituted by a certain number of large
             multipolar neurons with a minor axis of 21.8±5.5
             µm and a major axis of 33.3±6.4 µm, exhibits a ros-
             tral-caudal extension of about 1.5 mm.

              Of the antisera used, only anti sbGnRH serum did
             not show immunoreactivity with the bluefin tuna   Figure 6. a) Low magnification of a transverse section of bluefin
             diencephalic nuclei (Table  1). Immunostaining    tuna brain at level of the anterior midbrain tegmentum.
                                                               Haematoxilyn-Eosin staining. Bar = 2 mm. b) Anti sGnRH posi-
             mainly occurred in the neuronal perikarya. Anti   tive neurons placed in the circled zone of a). Bar = 60 µm. mc,
             sGnRH 1667 serum immunoreacted with 20%-          anterior cavity of mesencephalon; il, inferior lobe; ot, opticum
                                                               tectum; asterisk, recessus lateralis.
             30% of the perikarya in the preopticus-periventric-
             ularis nucleus (Figure 4 a, b) and with 40% of the
             neurons of the nucleus lateralis tuberis (Figure 4 a,
             c). Anti cGnRH-II 675 and anti cGnRH-II 6
             immunostained around 50% of neurons in the pre-
             opticus-periventricularis nucleus.These antisera did
             not immunoreact with the lateralis tuberis area.
              Differences in both distribution and size of the
             immunoreactive perikarya were observed. Anti
             sGnRH- and anti cGnRH-positive cells were mainly
             found in the preopticus and caudal zone of the
             periventricularis nucleus. Anti sGnRH immunoreac-
             tive neurons were smaller than anti cGnRH ones.
              A fascicle of anti GnRH immunoreactive fibres
             streamed ventro-laterally to the preopticus area
             running toward the pituitary where GnRH-like
             immunoreactive fibres were observed (Figure 4d).
              Anti cGnRH and anti sGnRH immunostained
                                                               Figure 7. Light micrographs of the bluefin tuna rinencephalon. a)
             some perikarya in the nucleus of the oculomotor   Low magnification micrograph of a parasagittal section showing
             nerve (Figure 5 a, b), but no immunostaining was  olfactory nerve, olfactory bulb and olfactory lobe. Haematoxilyn-
                                                               Eosin staining. Bar = 3 mm. b) Detail of the squared zone of a)
             observed in the oculomotor nerve fibres. GnRH-    showing perikarya immunostained with anti cGnRHII serum. Bar
             like neurons were also found in a side zone of the  = 75 µm. c) Nerve fibres immunostained with anti cGnRH II
                                                               serum. Bar = 60 µm. ob, olfactory bulb; ol, olfactory lobe; on,
             anterior midbrain tegmentum (Figure 6 a, b,). In  olfactory nerve; arrow, immuno-reactive neuronal structures.

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