Page 3 - Fiorentino_alii_2008
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            Figure 1. A, shell measurements. LWW, last whorl width; HMaxD, hemi-maximum diameter; MinD, minimum diameter;
            MaxD, maximum diameter; AH, aperture height; AW, aperture width; SpH, spire height; ShH, shell height; MaxLWH,
            maximum last whorl height; MinLWH, minimum last whorl height; a, angle; b, angle. B, distal genitalia measurements.
            BC, bursa copulatrix; BCD1, proximal bursa copulatrix duct; BCD2, distal bursa copulatrix duct; DBC, bursa copulatrix
            diverticulum; DS, dart sac; DV, distal vagina; EP, epiphallus; F, flagellum; MG, mucus glands; P, penis; PP, proximal penis;
            PV, proximal vagina.

            separate size and shape components have recently  tances. Significance levels of individual R-values were
            been proposed based on the fact that snail shell size  tested against the null hypothesis of no spatial
            is usually not spatially structured, unlike shape  arrangement by a resampling procedure (1000 per-
            which has geographical structure (Madec, Bellido &  mutations). The overall significance of all correlo-
            Guiller, 2003; Fiorentino et al., 2008). Following  grams was assessed by the Bonferroni technique
            Cadima & Jolliffe (1996), we constructed the so-called  (Oden, 1984). The analysis was performed on a set
            Z-matrix by:                                     of areas, excluding ‘M. muralis’ and minor island
            1. Centring A by columns into X (columns of A = log-
              transformed variables)
            2. Deriving Z = XQ′                                       SAMPLING FOR GENETIC ANALYSIS
            where Q = I p - (Sa 0)(a o′Sa 0) a o′ and a o′ is the isometric  Only area scale was considered for molecular analy-
            size vector, S the covariance matrix of A and I p is the  sis. More than 30 areas were considered for morpho-
            identity matrix of order p, where p is the number of  logical analysis, three additional areas were sampled:
            variables.                                       Caltagirone (in eastern Sicily excluded from morpho-
              Mantel correlograms (Legendre & Fortin, 1989;  logical analysis because few individuals were col-
            Madec et al., 2003) were used to investigate spatial  lected there); Firenze (in Tuscany, with an introduced
            autocorrelation in shape dissimilarity (assessed by  population of ‘M. muralis’) and Siena (in Tuscany,
            Euclidean distances from the Z-matrix) and genetic  with an introduced population of Marmorana serpen-
            distance (maximum likelihood estimates). Mantel  tina, a species widespread in Sardinia and Corsica,
            R-values (rz) were calculated between the shell shape  which was chosen as outgroup).
            Euclidean and genetic distance matrices and binary  A piece of foot muscle was cut and stored at -80 °C
            matrices built for each class of geographical dis-  and the voucher specimens of all localities were

            © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 94, 809–823

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