Page 7 - Fiorentino_alii_2008
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            Figure 5. A, Mantel correlogram (distance class: 25 km) assessed by Euclidean distances from the Z-matrix. B, Mantel
            correlogram (distance class: 25 km) assessed by Euclidean distances from mitochondrial DNA sequences distance matrix
            (maximum likelihood estimated).

              Plots of the -ln likelihood scores over generation  grouping the south-eastern populations plus Favig-
            time showed that stable parameter estimates were  nana specimens; clade 6, grouping the large ‘M.
            obtained after approximately 200 trees (= 20 000 gen-  muralis’ group but, in this case, there was no clear
            erations). Therefore, only trees sampled after this  relationships with geographic sampling. Interestingly,
            burn-in period were used to determine posterior prob-  Marettimo Island was resolved as a deeply divergent
            abilities of model parameters, branch lengths and  and basal lineage.
            clades, by generating a consensus tree with PAUP*  Mantel correlograms based on population scores for
            (50% majority-rule).                             mtDNA sequences (Fig. 5B) showed a quite different
              Parsimony analysis from the combined dataset pro-  spatial pattern than did morphology: from 0 to
            duced 48 equally parsimonious trees of 548 steps  225 km, a steep decline in rz from significant positive
            (CI = 0.604, RI = 0.635) differing in minor branch  values to negative ones and, from 50 to 200 km,
            arrangement within the ‘M. muralis’ populations. BI  fluctuations in rz around zero but, again, with a steep
            and MP recovered basically the same relationships of  decrease in rz to significant negative values by the
            lineages and clades (Fig. 6).                    225 km distance class. Examination of all pairs of
              All reconstructions failed to recognize the five  populations involved in this class showed that they
            species as well shell shape groups as monophyletic  were the extreme south-eastern populations, as for
            lineages and sequences were mainly resolved in dis-  shell shape analysis.
            tinct geographic lineages, but with some exceptions.
            Five separate unresolved lineages were recognized.
            Within them, at least six well supported geographic               DISCUSSION
            assemblages were identified: clade 1, grouping
            central-western populations; clade 2, grouping north-  GENETIC VERSUS MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION
            western extremity population; clade 3, grouping  The phylogenetic relationships in Sicilian Marmorana
            northern chain (Madonie Mountains) populations;  inferred from molecular data did not match morpho-
            clade 4, grouping south-western populations; clade 5,  logical (shell and genitalia) patterns. Unexpectedly,

            © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 94, 809–823

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