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Table 1. Identification, geographical origin and size of Brassica populations investigated.                                139

Identification  Taxa                              Origin                                             Size (number of individuals)

pop1           B. villosa subsp. villosa         Monte Calcerame (Sagana) – Palermo                 101–500
pop2           B. villosa subsp. bivoniana       M. Inici – Trapani                                 501–1000
pop3           B. villosa subsp. bivoniana       Caltabellotta – Agrigento                          .1000
pop4           B. villosa subsp. drepanensis     M. S. Giuliano - Erice - Trapani                   .1000
pop5           B. villosa subsp. bivoniana       C.da Serbatoio (Fontanarossa) - Trapani            11–50
pop6           B. villosa subsp. tinei           P.lla Scalazza (Marianopoli)- Caltanissetta        501–1000
pop7           B. rupestris subsp. rupestris     M. Pellegrino - Palermo                            .1000
pop8           B. rupestris subsp. rupestris     Rocca Busambra - Palermo                           .1000
pop9           B. rupestris subsp. rupestris     Stilo – Cosenza (Calabria)                         51–100
pop10          B. rupestris subsp. rupestris     M. Sferrovecchio (S. Ciro) – Palermo               51–100
pop11          B. rupestris subsp. brevisiliqua  Capo San Vito (Isolidda) – Trapani                 101–500
pop12          B. rupestris subsp. hispida       M. Pizzuta - Palermo                               .1000
pop13          B. rupestris subsp. hispida       Cozzo Cicero (Borgetto) - Palermo                  51–100
pop14          B. incana                         Gonato - Madonie - Palermo                         101–500
pop15          B. incana                         Passo della Zita (Longi) - Messina                 101–500
pop16          B. macrocarpa                     M. S. Caterina (Favignana, Isole Egadi) - Trapani  501–1000

Figure 2. Zymograms of: (a) Pgi-2 (pop8), (b) Pgm-2 (pop9), (c)  Data analysis
Lap-1 (pop7). Allelic interpretation of bands is shown.
                                                                 For each locus the resulting zymograms were inter-
                                                                 pretated as allelic frequencies. For all populations
                                                                 levels of allozyme diversity were estimated. A locus
                                                                 was considered as polymorphic if the most common
                                                                 allele was present at the frequency , 0.95 (P 95) or ,
                                                                 0.99 (P 99).

                                                                    Wright (1951) fixation (F) index was calculated as
                                                                 F 5 12Ho / He with Ho, the observed heterozygosity
                                                                 (percentage of heterozygous for each population and
                                                                 locus) and He, the expected heterozygosity calculated
                                                                 from allelic frequencies according to the Hardy-Wein-
                                                                 berg law. Chi-square test was used to evaluate the
                                                                 significativity of the deviation from the Hardy-Wein-
                                                                 berg law.

                                                                    For each population gene diversity, H, as described
                                                                 by Nei (1973), was calculated for each polymorphic

                                                                    For each polymorphic locus genetic diversity in the
                                                                 total populations (Ht), mean genetic diversity within
                                                                 populations (Hs), the average genetic diversity among
                                                                 populations (Dst) and the relative magnitude of gene
                                                                 differentiation occurring among populations (Gst)
                                                                 were calculated (Nei 1973).

                                                                    Genetic distances among populations were esti-
                                                                 mated from allelic frequencies (Nei 1972) using
                                                                 BIOSYS-1 program (Swofford and Selander 1989).

                                                                    Dendrogram was then computed from the distance
                                                                 matrices using UPGMA option of the NEIGHBOR
                                                                 program of Phylogeny Inference Package (PHYLIP
                                                                 3.5c., Felsenstein 1993).
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