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Figure 4. Dendrogram of 16 wild Brassica populations from the distance matrix described in Table 1 and the UPGMA algorithm.

a population but does not describe the organization of    presented an excess of heterozygotes.This could be
the variation in the population. For example two          explained by assuming the presence of subpopulations
populations of B. incana are very different for H         or competition phenomena in a population as well as
values (0.23 pop14, 0.09 pop15) but their allelic         extensive gene exchanges (Brown 1979) and also
composition is very similar; on the contrary B. incana    hypothesizing the self-incompatibility systems, often
(pop14) B. villosa subsp. bivoniana (pop2), B. rupes-     found in many Brassica populations (Watanabe and
trus subsp. hispida (pop13) have similar values (0.23,    Hinata 1999). The presence of rare alleles could also
0.24 and 0.21 respectively) but a very different allelic  have an influence on the number of heterozygotes,
composition.                                              because the probability to find them as heterozygotes
                                                          is higher than to find them as homozygotes. For two
   Several factors have been associed with differences    populations, pop4 (B. villosa subsp. drepanensis) and
in values of polymorphism (P), allelic number (A),        pop14 (B. incana), an excess of homozygous indi-
gene diversity (H) such as life form, regional dis-       viduals was found. For these populations, the gene
tribution, geographical range, breeding system (Ham-      exchange seems restricted either by geographical
rick et al. 1979; Hamrick 1990). According with these     isolation or by biological process.
parameters, high values are generally associed with
mixed system of reproduction between autogamy and            Gst values could be related with breeding system
allogamy; low values are found in autogamous and in       and seed dispersal mechanism (Loveless and Hamrick
endemic plants. In our case, we must keep in mind         1984). In Brassica populations investigated, mean
that three species (B. macrocarpa, B. rupestris, B.       values of Gst were comprised between 0.30–0.37.
villosa) are endemic, some populations (as pop5) are      Therefore a breeding system mixed between au-
constitued by very few individuals and other popula-      togamy and allogamy (probably prevailing because of
tions as B. rupestris subsp. hispida (pop12) and B.       self-incompatibility) and a seed dispersal-mechanism
macrocarpa (pop16) that are larger in size, are iso-      for gravity or provoked by animals could be hypoth-
lated from the geographic point of view.                  esized.

   Considering the fixation index, a great number of          The same structure of the diversity was observed
populations, in particular large sized populations,       for each species with the intra-populational diversity
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