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(Hs) representing the higher part of total diversity                                                                  145
(Ht) (60% for B. incana, 62% for B. rupestris and
58% for B. villosa). The coefficient of genic differen-    tion (Gemmill 1998). Thus, a knowledge of the levels
tiation (Gst) is comprised between 0.30 and 0.37.         and distribution of genetic diversity of threatened or
These mean values were comparable with those re-          endangered species is an important element in arrang-
ported by Lanner-Herrera et al. (1996) for B. oleracea    ing conservation programs.
populations which ranged between 0.11 and 0.50 and
with those reported by Lazaro and Aguinagalde                These genetic data have a great importance in
(1998a) for B. rupestris group (0.11–0.31). In the        leading conservation actions for these species, rela-
Sicilian taxa the Gst values show high variability for    tives to kale crops, that are in some case endangered
each polymorphic locus varying from 0.03–0.06 to          or threatened and to provide information necessary for
0.70–0.79. High values as 0.72 (Pgm-2 ), 0.56 (6Pgd-      maximization of genetic diversity which is an im-
1 ) in B. rupestris, 0.52 (Pgm-2 ), 0.49 (Aco-4 ), 0.47   portant consideration at the intraspecific and specific
(Aco-2 ) in B. villosa, 0.79 (Lap-1 ), 0.70 (Pgm-2 ) in   level (Loo et al. 1999). Concerning conservation
B. incana, show that these loci play an important role    methods, Gillies et al. (1997) suggested that in situ
of differentiation among the populations.                 conservation strategies should seek to conserve popu-
                                                          lations that show interpopulational genetic variation,
   Concerning the genetic distances, B. incana popu-      to prevent the loss of genetic diversity within a taxon.
lations (in the same group) show a clear separation       On the other hand, ex situ conservation measures
from the villoso-rupestris populations. B. mac-           should include the collection of germplasm from
rocarpa, too, forming a separate clade, is very dif-      separated populations with significant genetic differ-
ferentiated from the other Sicilian species. This evi-    ences (Mart´ın et al. 1997). Our observations suggest
dence is confirmed by RAPD analyses (Geraci et al.         that is necessary to preserve in situ the populations as
2001) because in these taxa specific genomic zones         dynamic conservation. That should be accompanied
were found. Also Lazaro and Aguinagalde (1998a,           by the threat prevention and by periodic monitoring
1998b) realized by isozymes and molecular markers,        (ecologically, genetically) of the status of these popu-
found B. incana more strictly related to B. montana-      lations. On the other hand these data could be very
B. oleracea group even if taxonomically it belongs to     useful in ex situ conservation programmes in order to
B. rupestris group (Go´mez-Campo 1980, 1999). B.          quantify and to document the diversity that can be
villosa and B. rupestris populations, showing distance    present in a collection and at the same time to use
values very heterogenous, are not separated as well as    these information to allow to maximize per accession
by morphological characters and under geographical        of genetic diversity (Lamboy et al. 1994). In this case,
and ecological data (Raimondo et al. 1991). It shows      considering that the level of diversity inter- and intra-
the close relationship between these species that         populational were comparable could be useful to
partly overlap and then can hybridize. However, also      conserve a large sample of a large number of popula-
Lanner-Herrera et al. (1996) studying North-Euro-         tions as well as a large number of individuals within
pean wild populations relatives of B. oleracea, ob-       each population. Moreover populations showing ex-
served that with isozyme analysis populations of the      clusive alleles deserve particular attention as well as
same country were not always related.                     those made up by few individuals that are threatened
                                                          in their natural habitat.
   In conclusion, isozyme analysis was very useful to
characterize Brassica sect. Brassica populations as       Acknowledgements
regards allelic structure and variability within-popula-
tion.                                                     The authors are grateful to Prof. C. Go´mez-Campo for
                                                          the interesting discussions and to Prof. M. Gustafsson
   Enzymatic study was very interesting to assess the     for the revision of the manuscript and the helpful
genetic structure of the populations. In fact, genetic    suggestions.
variation within a taxon could be critical for the long
term survival and continuous evolution of a popula-       References
tion or a species (Huenneke 1991). Population genetic
theory predicts that a decrease of heterozygosity will    Arus P. and Orton T.J. 1983. Isozyme and linkage relationships of
lead to reduced individual fitness and population             isozyme loci in Brassica oleracea. J. Hered. 74: 405–412.
viability and that a decrease in allelic diversity will
limit the ability of a species to track changing selec-
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