Page 4 - Jakubas_et_al._2014_Storm_Petrels
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Body size variation in the European Storm Petrel      73

patch indicating breeding. We ringed and meas-                                  HBL
ured all captured birds. We used a ruler for wing
and tail length (with 1 mm accuracy) and dial                    BL
calipers for all head measurements: head-bill
length (HBL), bill length (BL; along the dorsal                                 BD3
mid-line from the edge of the feathers at the base
of the culmen to the most distant part of the          BD1
hook), bill depth 1 (BD1; mandibles before the
opening of narines), bill depth 2 (BD2; mandibles                                 BD2
+ narines at the opening), bill depth 3 (BD3;
mandibles + narines at the base of the culmen),                      BW
bill width (BW; mandibles + narines at the base of
the bill)(Fig. 1), tarsus length (from distal end of  Fig. 1. Morphometric measurements of the head: head-bill
tarsometatarsus to back of heel with leg bent) and    length (HBL), bill length (BL), bill depth 1 (BD1; before the
rump band length (measured following Albores-         tube), bill depth 2 (BD2; at the tube), bill depth 3 (BD3; at the
Barajas et al. 2010). We weighed the birds with an    base of the bill) and bill width (BW).
electronic scale (Ohaus, with 0.1 g accuracy). All
measurements were taken by the same person            data on wing length and body mass with sea sur-
(DJ). From each bird, we collected a feather or       face temperature (SST), air temperature (AT) and
blood sample (preserved in 96% ethanol) for           wind speed (WS) using Pearson correlation
molecular sexing.                                     coefficient. Data on sea surface temperature, with
                                                      a spatial resolution of 0.58 (latitude/longitude)
Laboratory analyses                                   from the topmost possible water column (up to
                                                      5 m), were obtained from the Reyn_Smith OIv2
We extracted DNA from the feathers and blood          (Reynolds et al. 2002) database via the IRI/LDEO
(following evaporation of the alcohol) using the      Climate Data Library Reyn_SmithOIv2 monthly
Blood Mini kit (A&A Biotechnology, Gdynia,            sst: (
Poland). We performed molecular sexing with the       .NOAA/.NCEP/.EMC/.CMB/.GLOBAL/.Reyn_
primer pair F2550 and R2718 according to the pro-     SmithOIv2/.monthly/.sst). Considering possibly
tocol described by Griffiths et al. (1998), using a   long-distance foraging flights of the European
50 °C annealing temperature for the PCR reaction.     Storm Petrel, we selected the 1.5° box closest to
The sex differences in the PCR products were          each colony (i.e. 167 km). Mean monthly SST val-
clearly visible in UV light when the fragments        ues for June–September during the 10 years of
were separated on a 2% agarose gel and stained        available data (1998–2007) were calculated for each
with Midori Green.                                    study site. AT and WS data were obtained from a
                                                      database on the website http://www.
Data analyses                                         The meteorological stations closest to each breed-
                                                      ing site (up to 110 km) were chosen. We took data
We performed all statistical calculations using       from the same years as for SST (1998–2007). We
STATISTICA 8.0 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma,      chose June–September because this period corre-
USA) and IBM SPSS 21.0 (IBM SPSS, Chicago,            sponds to the breeding period of the European
Illinois, USA).                                       Storm Petrel (Cramp 1998). We calculated mean
                                                      SST, AT and wind speed WS for periods including
    Geographical variation in body size. To inves-    breeding season (i.e., Jun–Sep, Jun–Aug, Jul–Aug
tigate geographical variation in body size, we per-   and Jul–Sep) for each site. We used various peri-
formed analyses on unsexed individuals from 16        ods due to variation in the timing of breeding
colonies using wing length and 13 colonies using      (Cramp 1998). SST, AT and WS values for the stud-
body mass, based on the published data (Table 1,      ied periods differed significantly among the stud-
Fig. 2). For colonies for which data for males and    ied sites (Kruskal-Wallis test, all p < 0.001).
females were presented, we calculated wing
length and body mass for both sexes combined              Based on the subspecies division and geo-
using weighed mean with sample size as a weight.      graphical localisation of colonies, we divided
We included in analyses only birds captured dur-      all colonies studied into three subgroups
ing the breeding season.

    Relationship between body size and environ-

mental variables. To investigate whether environ-
mental conditions affect the body size, we related
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