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Body size variation in the European Storm Petrel                                      75

70°N                                                             (Titus et al. 1984). We employed only data that met
                                                                 the assumption of homogeneity of variance, nor-
                                                                 mality and lack of multicollinearity in the func-

60°N                                                             RESULTS

50°N                                                             Geographical variation of body size

40°N                                                             Among both biometrical variables studied in both
                                                                 sexes combined, only the wing length correlated
30°N                                                             significantly with coordinates. We found various
                                                                 relationships at different scales. At the species and
20°W 10°W               0°        10°E   20°E                    subspecies scales, there was a positive relationship
                                                                 with longitude indicating that wing length gener-
Fig. 2. Location of the compared European Storm Petrel colo-     ally increased from west to east (Table 2, Fig. 3).
nies. A map created in Ocean Data View software (Schlitzer       The longest wings were recorded in the Mediter-
2011). POR — site where birds were captured only during          ranean subspecies on the Aegadian Islands (AEG),
migration. Other abbreviations and source of data: see Table 1.  and the shortest in Atlantic subspecies breeding in
                                                                 the most western location — on the Canaries
                                                                 (CAN). At the Atlantic subspecies and regional
                                                                 North Atlantic scales, there was a positive rela-
                                                                 tionship with latitude indicating that wing length
                                                                 in unsexed individuals generally increased from
                                                                 south to north (Table 2, Fig. 4).

                                                                     Correlation analysis on body size (wing length
                                                                 and body mass) and environmental variables
                                                                 revealed significant relationships at all scales
                                                                 (Table 2). At the species scale, we found only one
                                                                 significant relationship — wind speed (WS) in all

Table 2. Relationships between measurements (wing length and body mass) of European Storm Petrels and environmental con-
ditions (sea surface temperature, air temperature, wind speed) in their breeding sites at different scales: species (including all
colonies), subspecies (including colonies of the Atlantic subspecies H. p. pelagicus) and regional (including only North Atlantic
colonies of this subspecies). r — Pearson correlation coefficient.

Variable                    Wing length                                               Body mass

                                         scale (N colonies), areas

          species (16)      subspecies   regional (12)                  species (13)  subspecies   regional (10)
          ME, SA, NA        (14) SA, NA                                               (12) SA, NA        NA
                                                NA ME, SA, NA
                                                                                      rp             rp
          rprp                           rprp

Coordinates                       0.03   0.38                    0.23   0.26   0.40   0.07   0.82  -0.32  0.38
   Longitude 0.71 0.002 0.58      0.001  0.68                    0.01   -0.13  0.67   0.02   0.94  -0.55  0.10
   Latitude 0.18 0.51 0.77
                                  0.004  -0.70                   0.01   0.26   0.40   0.02   0.95  0.63   0.052
Sea Surface Temperature SST (°C)  0.004  -0.70                   0.01   0.28   0.35   0.04   0.90  0.64   0.048
   Jun–Sep 0.06 0.82 -0.72        0.004  -0.72                   0.009  0.28   0.36   0.03   0.93  0.64   0.046
   Jun–Aug 0.08 0.75 -0.71        0.003  -0.71                   0.01   0.24   0.32   0.006  0.98  0.63   0.052
   Jul–Aug 1.00 0.72 -0.72
   Jul–Sep 0.06 0.83 -0.73        0.004  -0.70                   0.01   0.28   0.36   0.05   0.89  0.63   0.054
                                  0.006  -0.69                   0.01   0.31   0.30   0.07   0.83  0.64   0.047
Air temperature AT (°C)           0.006  -0.70                   0.01   0.33   0.27   0.08   0.81  0.66   0.04
   Jun–Sep 0.08 0.78 -0.71        0.004  -0.71                   0.01   0.28   0.36   0.04   0.89  0.63   0.049
   Jun–Aug 0.11 0.67 -0.69
   Jul–Aug 0.13 0.62 -0.70        0.84   0.36                    0.25   -0.70  0.007  -0.64  0.03  -0.42  0.23
   Jul–Sep 0.08 0.78 -0.72        0.60   0.32                    0.31   -0.70  0.007  -0.64  0.02  -0.37  0.29
                                  0.40   0.29                    0.36   -0.71  0.007  -0.66  0.02  -0.36  0.30
Wind speed WS (m/s)               0.76   0.35                    0.26   -0.71  0.006  -0.65  0.02  -0.43  0.22
   Jun–Sep -0.37 0.16 -0.06
   Jun–Aug -0.43 0.10 -0.15
   Jul–Aug -0.46 0.07 -0.24
   Jul–Sep -0.37 0.15 -0.09
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11