Page 7 - Jakubas_et_al._2014_Storm_Petrels
P. 7

76 D. Jakubas et al.

130                                                                                          25 30

128 females
126 unsexed

Mean wing length [mm]
                                                                                             20 25

122                                                                                          15 20

120                                                                                          10 15


116     -15 -10     -5  0      5 10 15                                                       5       AT Jul–Aug                           10
   -20                                                                                               SST Jul–Aug
                                                                                             0                                            5
                    Longitude                                                                  117  118 119 120 121 122 123           124
                                                                                                               Mean wing length (mm)
Fig. 3. Relationship between mean wing length of the
European Storm Petrel and longitude at the species scale. Least   Fig. 5. Relationship between wing length in European Storm
squares regression lines are shown for significant relationships  Petrels and sea surface temperature (SST) and air temperature
(solid black line — males, solid grey line — females, dotted      (AT) in July–August at the subspecies H. p. pelagicus scale. Least
black line — unsexed individuals). Abbreviations and source of    squares regression lines are shown for significant relation-
data: see Table 1.                                                ships.

periods was negatively correlated with body mass                  wing, tail or tarsus length and colony coordinates
(Table 2) indicating that smaller birds occurred in               (all p > 0.20). There were also no significant rela-
the areas with stronger winds. At the subspecies                  tionships between wing, tarsus, tail and bill length
scale, we found significant negative correlations                 in males and females and the value of SSD
between wing length and sea surface temperature                   (Spearman rank correlation coefficient, all p > 0.20).
(SST) and air temperature (AT) in all periods indi-               In both sexes, there was a significant positive rela-
cating that wing length increased with decreasing                 tionship between wing length and longitude of
AT and SST values (Table 2, Fig. 5). Body mass was                the colony indicating that wing length generally
related significantly to WS in all periods increas-               increased from west to east (females: rs = 0.97,
ing with the decrease of the wind speed. At the                   p = 0.005, n = 5; males: rs = 0.90, p = 0.04, n = 5)
regional North Atlantic scale, we found the same                  (Fig. 3). There was no such relationship for lati-
pattern for wing length and SST and AT as at the                  tude (p > 0.62). There was no significant relation-
subspecies scale (Table 2). In the case of body                   ship between tarsus and tail length in both sexes
mass, we found a tendency towards or significant                  and colony coordinates (all p > 0.20).
positive relationship with SST and AT in all peri-
ods (Table 2) indicating an increase in body mass                 Sexual dimorphism of birds captured in the
with increasing temperatures.                                     Faeroes
                                                                  Four traits differed significantly between the
Geographical variation in sexual size dimor-                      European Storm Petrel males and females cap-
phism                                                             tured in the Faeroes: wing, tail, head-bill length
Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) values varied
among the studied sites (Fig. 6). However, there                                              2                                  Wing Tail Head+bill
was no significant relationship between SSD in                                                                               male-biased SSD
                                                                                              1                              female-biased SSD
       125                                                                                    0
                                                                                                              FAR WAL1 SHE1 AEG
       123                                                                                   -1
       121                                                                                   -3
       117                                                                                          CAN

             25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70


Fig. 4. Relationship between mean wing length of the
European Storm Petrel and latitude at the subspecies H. p.
pelagicus scale. The least squares regression line is shown for
significant relationship.
Mean wing length [mm]


                                                                  Fig. 6. Sexual size dimorphism in different populations of the
                                                                  European Storm Petrel. Locations are sorted longitudinally;
                                                                  their abbreviations — see Table 1. POR — birds from the
                                                                  Atlantic populations captured during migration.
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12