Page 153 - KATE_JOHNSTON_2017
P. 153

Friends of the Sea. Certifiers are major facilitators of knowledge moving from the

                   realms of FAO into the far corners of the world via the fisheries they certify and their

                   certified  products.  Eco-certified  products  are  also  market  devices.  Along  with

                   sustainability guides, they reconfigure the consumption of seafood and articulate what

                   is and therefore what is not sustainable.

                          In summary, sustainability knowledge encompasses the capacity to measure

                   what  is  and  is  not  sustainable.  The  knowledge  network  is  made  in  spaces  such  as

                   those  I  have  just  described,  where  knowledge  is  produced  and  reproduced.  Such

                   networks  respond  to  crises  and  are  also  mediums  through  which  knowledge

                   circulates.  Sustainability/market  devices  are  mechanisms  of  this  network,  offering

                   further opportunity for sustainability discourses to be enacted.


                   As we have seen in this chapter, when we understand the relationship of knowledge

                   production to the rules of knowledge at a particular time and in a particular social

                   situation, then power takes on a productive form. That is, existing conditions make it

                   possible  for  some  practices  and  knowledge  to,  as  Canguilhem  outlined,  ‘extend’,

                   opening up spaces for new forms of knowledge production (in Bove` 1995, p. 55).

                   Bove` suggests that this is:

                            …control by the power of positive production: that is a kind of power that
                            generates  certain  kinds  of  questions;  a  kind  of  power,  placed  within
                            systems  that  legitimate,  support,  and  answer  those  questions,  a  kind  of
                            power that, in the process, includes within its system all those it produces
                            as agents capable of acting within them. (1995, p. 54)

                   In this passage Bove` situates power not as a conscious act of repression but a making

                   possible,  an  opening  up  of  specific  fields  of  possibility  that  ‘constitutes  entire

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