Page 155 - KATE_JOHNSTON_2017
P. 155

the fishermen of Sardinia or other locations around the world for that matter, offer to

                   discussions and the making of the term and terms of sustainability?

                          In the next chapter this thesis turns to the particular case study of tuna fishing

                   in  southern  Italy.  So  far  in  this  thesis  I  have  described  and  analysed  some  key

                   components of a sustainability assemblage (devices, objects, institutions, discourses)

                   and moments of assembling (launch of the Coles eco tin, UNCLOS convention, the

                   Roundtable on Cultural and Biological Diversity). I have established the function of

                   sustainability  discourses  to  delimit  and  limit  sustainability  practices,  devices  and

                   knowledge.  This  is  the  case  for  the  environment  centred  discourse  of  the  current

                   chapter,  as  well  as  the  four-pillar  discourse  of  the  previous  chapter.  In  the  next

                   chapter I will introduce some of the participants who assemble around tuna, and I will

                   draw  on  Bruno  Latour’s  (2005)  notion  of  dingpolitik  and  “matter  of  concern”,  to

                   situate tuna as not simply a matter of fact to be sustained but a matter of concern,

                   conflict and care.  I will analyse the conditions that govern those who fish for tuna in

                   southern Italy, and will consider the ontological and epistemological issues at stake. I

                   will continue to describe the components of a sustainability assemblage in an effort to

                   render  visible  moments  of  assembling,  including  the  enactment  of  sustainability


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