Page 157 - KATE_JOHNSTON_2017
P. 157

observer  from  ICCAT  to  monitor  the  transferal  of  tuna  from  tonnara  to  sea  cage.

                   Staff and students from the University of Cagliari joined this motley gang to sample

                   and tag tuna to generate data for ICCAT. Sharon, an ocean lawyer, arrived from the

                   USA for a second year, this time to write a piece for the National Geographic blog.

                   And then there was me, a PhD candidate who travelled some 14000 kilometers by

                   plane, bus and boat to undertake an ethnographic study of local manifestations of a

                   tuna sustainability crisis.

                   Fig. 4.1 Panel of judges at the Giro di Tonno festival 2013. Image by author.

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