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has  a  joint  venture  with  significant  Japanese  companies.  As  I  will  explain  below,  bluefin

               ranches are controversial in sustainability debates.

                       A bluefin gold rush of the late 20  century, which was augmented by technological

               development and a lucrative market, has had devastating effects on the biomass of all bluefin.

               And  so  while  skipjack  tinned  tuna  offers  a  way  to  analyse  the  process  of  rendering

               sustainable and visible, Atlantic bluefin offers a different set of problems altogether. It enters

               the politics of sustainability as an unsustainable fish in need of governance. It is listed as

               endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Although there are all sorts of data

               inconsistencies, the regional regulatory body International Commission for the Conservation

               of  Atlantic  Tunas  (ICCAT),  which  is  responsible  for  the  monitoring  of  Atlantic  bluefin,

               estimates that stocks have declined by at least 50% over the past four decades (ICCAT 2015a,

               p. 95). Atlantic bluefin is currently considered overexploited and the subject of a multiannual

               recovery  plan  governed  by  ICCAT.  The  plan  involves  input  controls  which  limit  fishing

               through  Total  Allowable  Catch  (TAC),  Individual  Transferable  Quota  (ITQs),  designated

               fishing periods, and the increased presence of scientific observers and guards. Bluefin is thus

               at  the  centre  of  much  conflict  and  considered  by  some  groups,  such  as  Greenpeace  as  an

               unsustainable  option  (G  Monti  2013,  pers.  comm.  25  June;  N  Pelle-Savage  2015,  pers.

               comm.  25  May).  Consequently,  as  the  Italian  marine  scientist  Amoroso  di  Natale  puts  it,

               during  the  latter  part  of  the  20   century  bluefin  ‘rapidly  became  an  icon  for  many

               environmental organisations and the media and big businesses’ (2010, p. 1005).

                       While  all  four  bluefin  species  matter  politically  and  economically  in  similar  ways,

               they  are  geographically  dispersed  and  their  cultural  significance  differs.  Each  species  is

               caught  up  in  the  lives  and  livelihoods  of  different  fishing  communities  and  ecosystems

               around the globe. I focus on the Atlantic bluefin because of its long and well-documented

               history  among  coastal  communities  in  the  Mediterranean,  which  offers  an  opportunity  to

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