Page 193 - KATE_JOHNSTON_2017
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overfishing  (S  Donato  2013,  pers.  comm.  3  July).  He  said  that  the  whole  sector  is  in

               difficulty. ‘The fishermen who form the small coastal fishing industry here, work with fixed

               nets…they  are  allowed  even  within  the  protected  zones’  (S  Donato  2013,  pers.  comm.  3

               July). On the other hand industrial fishing is prohibited in these zones. But nonetheless there


                        ...a  lot  of  boats  coming  from  Trapani  and  so  on,  that  throw   in  this  area,
                        especially during night, especially when the sea is very strong and when the coast
                        guard and other police cannot control. (S Donato 2013, pers. comm. 3 July)

               Not only are these fleets destroying marine ecosystems but they are reducing the availability

               of  fish  for  local  fishermen.  As  Alberto ,  a  pescaturismo  (fishing  tourism)  operator  said,

               every year there are less fish. This I saw firsthand. While his clients swam around before

               lunch, we chatted on his boat. He asked me if I noticed this poor situation by the catch we

               had just pulled up. Indeed I had, the net that had sat out all night had returned a piddle of sea

               life.  Within this situation, exclaimed Stefano, it is ‘the fishermen who are suffering the most’

               (S Donato 2013, pers. comm. 3 July).

                       One of the MPA’s solutions to illegal fishing was the installation of ‘anti-throwing’

               structures, which they had recently placed on the bottom of the sea to destroy the illegal nets.

               The fishermen's general sentiment was that the structures were not helpful because they were

               not positioned in the most effective placed. One evening I attended a meeting at the MPA

               where staff presented stage one of the project to the local fishermen. They played footage

               taken underwater that showed the locations of the structures. A long desk divided the meeting

               room, which soon filled with fishermen who stood on one side of the table opposite the MPA

               staff  and  Andrea   (representative  of  the  local  council).  For  about  ten  minutes,  enraged
               fishermen talked over each other. Then Stefano interrupted and asked the fishermen to listen

               to Andrea and himself speak before they speak and respond. This proved to be difficult. At

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